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NICHD - National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

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Ahn, Sohyun Sonic Hedgehog Signaling in Adult Neural Stem Cells
Basser, Peter Tissue Biophysics and Imaging
Bezrukov, Sergey Molecular Transport and Sensory Transduction as Stochastic Phenomena
Buonanno, Andres Regulation of Neuronal Plasticity by the Neuregulin/ErbB Signaling Pathway: Implications for Neurological Disorders
Chou, Janice Molecular Genetics of Heritable Human Disorders
Crouch, Robert Critical Events in DNA Replication and Repair Involving Formation and Resolution of RNA-DNA Hybrids: Cellular, Viral, and Therapeutic Roles of RNA/DNA Hybrids
Dasso, Mary Mitotic regulation in higher eukaryotes by Ran and SUMO
DePamphilis, Melvin DNA Replication and Gene Expression During Mammalian Development
Dever, Thomas Mechanism and Regulation of Eukaryotic Protein Biosynthesis
Fields, Douglas Nervous System Development and Plasticity
Hinnebusch, Alan Transcriptional and Translational Regulatory Mechanisms and Signal Transduction Pathways involved in Nutrient Control of Gene Expression in Budding Yeast
Jackson, Catherine Roles of the Sec7 domain ARF Exchange Factors in Organelle Structure and Membrane Traffic
Kamakaka, Rohinton Sir Proteins and Transcriptional Silencing
Kassis, Judith Control of Gene Expression During Development
Kennison, James Regulation of Homeotic Gene Function in Drosophila
Leikin, Sergey Physical Biochemistry of Connective Tissue Disorders and Molecular Recognition Reactions
Levin, Henry The Study of a Retrovirus Model in Yeast
Levine, Richard Preeclampsia: Pathogenesis and Epidemiology
Loh, Peng Secretory granule biogenesis and peptide hormone intracellular trafficking in neuroendocrine cells
Love, Paul Signals Regulating Mammalian T Cell Development
Lu, Bai Role of Neurotrophic Factors in Synapse Development and Plasticity
Maraia, Richard J. Investigating the Role of the Human La Antigen in the Regulation of Gene Expression, Mammalian Development and Cancer Progression
Mayer, Mark Crystallographic and Functional Studies on Neurotransmitter Receptors
McBain, Chris Cellular and Synaptic Mechanisms Governing the Regulation of Excitability within the Mammalian Hippocampal and Cortical Formations
Mukherjee, Anil Heritable Neurodegenerative and Autoimmune Disorders
Newman, John Mechanisms underlying auditory communication in primates and other mammals
Pacak, Karel Pheochromocytoma
Pfeifer, Karl Imprinting on Distal Mouse Chromosome 7
Rennert, Owen M. Studies of Differentially Expressed Genes in Spermatogenesis - Antisense Transcription in Differentiating Germ Cells - Functional Genomic Studies of Gonad Development and Sexual Dimorphism of the Brain
Sargent, Thomas Development of Vertebrate Ectoderm
Shi, Yun-Bo Gene Regulation by Thyroid Hormone During Tissue Remodeling
Storz, Gisela Characterization of small, noncoding RNAs and small ORFs
Stratakis, Constantine Clinical & Molecular Genetics of Adrenocortical and Pituitary Development and Tumors
Weinstein, Brant Studying the embryogenesis of blood vessels using the zebrafish
Weisberg, Robert Elongation and Termination of Transcription
Yanovski, Jack Study of the Genetic, Physiologic, Metabolic, Behavioral, and Environmental Factors involved in Determining Weight Regulation and Body Composition in Children and Adults
Yergey, Alfred Mass Spectrometry for structural Biology for Structural Biology and Biophysics
Zimmerberg, Joshua The fundamental membrane mechanisms of enveloped viral infection, parasitic diseases, neurotransmitter release, apoptosis, and cell-cell fusion. Tissue mechanisms of pathogenesis and regeneration by stem cell fusion.