How to Navigate SEER's Training Web Site

The structure of SEER's Training Web Site is characteristic of a linear hierarchy, with the site's main menu page ("shell") at the top level of the hierarchy followed by all the training modules and the up-to-date announcements (informational modules). Similarly, each learning module has its own sub-hierachical structure based on the content of the module.

Taking advantage of hyperlinks throughout the site, you are able to navigate the site in a non-linear fashion. Once you are familiar with the navigation system, wherever you are, any particular page is just a few clicks away.

The "Shell"

The "shell" (main menu page) is where you end up when you set your browser to the URL of SEER's Training Web Site ( This is the starting point for navigation throughout the site.

You will find clickable icons and hypertexts linked to all of the completed learning and informational modules next to the site theme graphic. A link to the About This Site page is located at the lower-left corner of the page, which provides useful information for first time users. The SEER logo at the upper-right corner of the page takes you to the SEER Web site.

A labled illustration of the "shell" page and a screen capture below will give you a visual reference to its composition.



Module Level GUI (Graphic User Interface)

Despite differences in color schemes, the GUI layout is almost the same for all the training modules: links to all of the completed training modules listed on the left, topped by a link to the "shell", module menu items (links to all of the learning units) at the center with the theme graphic, and, finally, some miscellaneous icons at the bottom of the page.

Again, a illustration of module gui layout and a screen capture of the module main menu page are provided below as a visual reference.

Content Level

The look and feel of the navigational elements at the content level are similar and consistent throughout the whole training site.

The following is a typical navigational bar located at the top of each page. The listed explanations correspond to the numbered areas in the illustration.


1. The SEER's Training Web Site logo takes you to the "shell" page.

2. The Module icon takes you back to the module main menu page.

3. This area hosts the first level menu items (unit names), listing the main topics covered in the module.

4. Unit or section names are placed in this area.

5. This area is reserved for the content page navigational buttons, which take the user to the previous, next, and one-level-up page.

6. This is the "utilities" section where several icons are linked to the Search page, the Glossary page, the Help page, and a printer-friendly version of the current content page.

7. At the bottom of the navigation bar is the area for the second level menu items (listing the names of sections under a certain learning unit). Note that this area is absent when a unit does not contain sub-level sections.

Now, take a look at the example below and see if you can recognize different elements in the navigation bar.

Back to STWS home
Back to module menu

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Pop-up Windows

Pop-up windows are freqently used to display illustrations, animations, some quiz questions, or information for reference purposes. For example, a pop-up window will be displayed when you click the Glossary icon to find the definition of a term. You may want to close the pop-up window as soon as you finish using it to clean up your desktop. If there is no Close button available, you can always click the Close button at the upper right end of the Title Bar to close a pop-up window.

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