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SEER's Web-based Training Modules
The training modules on this site are funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program, via contract number N01-CN-67006, with Emory University, Atlanta SEER Cancer Registry, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

SEER's Training Web Site provides web-based training modules for cancer registration and surveillance. When the site is complete, it will comprise 12 training modules, each covering a particular cancer registration training subject. The site development started in September, 2000 and is still under continual development.

In addition to these training modules, up-to-date information related to cancer registration and surveillance will also be provided and listed under the Information Modules area of the site's main menu page.

Development Team

John L.Young, DrPH, CTR
Director, Georgia Center for Cancer Statistics
Emory University

April Fritz, RHIT, CTR
Manager of Data Quality
NCI SEER Program

Margaret (Peggy) Adamo, RHIT, CTR
Public Health Analyst
Surveillance, Epidemilogy and End Results (SEER) Program
Cancer Statistics Branch
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute

Gonghua Liu, Ph.D.
Instructional Technologist
Emory University

Kathleen Thoburn, CTR
New York Dept. of Health

Jan Kres, MSN, CTR
Editor, Georgia Center for Cancer Statistics
Emory University

Steven Roffers, BS, CTR

Technical Advisory Group Members

Rosemary Dibble, CTR
Dianne Hultstrom, RHIT, CTR
Annette Hurlbut, RHIT, CTR
Patrick Stevens, CTR
Valerie Vesich, CTR
Carole Whitehead, CTR
Dianna Wilson, RHIA, CTR

Questions or comments about this site should be directed to Margaret (Peggy) Adamo, RHIT, CTR at National Cancer Institute (e-mail:

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