The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

Database Subscriptions

Many libraries, schools, universities, and hospitals subscribe to NORD’s Rare Disease Database for unlimited access to reports on more than 1,150 diseases.

Index of Rare Diseases

This is the list of diseases currently covered in the Rare Disease Database.

Rare Disease Database

Search this database for reports on more than 1,150 diseases.

View sample report

Index of Organizations

This is the list of organizations in NORD’s Organizational Database.

Organizational Database

Read about more than 2,000 patient organizations and other sources of help.

Washington Office

NORD's Washington OfficeRead about events on Capitol Hill, funding for rare-disease research, and other topics of interest from NORD's office in Washington, DC.



Requests For Proposals

NORD Announces
2008 Funding Opportunities

The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) has announced funding opportunities for 2008 through its clinical research program. Grants are available through this international program for the study of five rare diseases. The deadline for submitting abstracts and letters of intent to NORD is May 9, 2008.

The NORD Research Grant Program provides seed-money grants to academic scientists for clinical research. The hope is that these studies will ultimately lead to new diagnostics or treatments for rare diseases.

NORD’s program provides grants for the study of diseases for which there are few other sources of funding. In all, six grants are available at this time for the study of the following five diseases:

Grants provided through the NORD program are made possible by donations from individuals and organizations to restricted research funds at NORD. Each year, requests for proposals are announced in the spring, with grants being awarded in the fall.

All medical decisions guiding the NORD Research Grant Program are made by NORD’s Medical Advisory Committee, which is chaired by Sami I. Said, MD, Distinguished Professor of the State University of New York. The program is administered by Stefanie Putkowski, RN, of the NORD staff.

Information and application forms for the 2008 NORD Research Grants are available on the NORD website or from Ms. Putkowski. Questions or requests for application forms may be directed to her at (800) 999-NORD or

NORD awarded five grants in November 2007.

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Since 1983, working toward the prevention, treatment, and cure of rare “orphan” diseases.

Free Booklets For Physicians

Free Booklets For PhysiciansNORD offers free booklets for physicians and other medical profes-
sionals. To request copies, or learn how topics are selected,
click here

Networking Program

If you would like to participate in our Networking Program, become a member of NORD.

Database Subscriptions

Subscriptions make it possible for institutions, such as libraries, schools, universities, and hospitals, to provide access to all the information in NORD’s databases. Get your subscription today.

©2006 NORD - National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last modified Monday, December 08, 2008