California Integrated Waste Management Board

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP)

Program News...

An environmental standard (GS-43) for recycled-content latex paint is now complete!

Products have been identified that meet the new EPEAT “green” computer standard.

The Green Hotels List has been expanded...

From copy paper to cleaners, automotive fluids to printing services, every product purchased, and even the way you travel, can have an impact on human health and the environment. To reduce the quantity and toxicity of waste in California, State law requires State agencies and other public entities to purchase recycled, repairable, and durable goods. Here's what you can do:

  • Use the Green Guide--a comprehensive toolkit that assists local jurisdictions and state agencies with purchasing recycled-content products and other environmentally preferable products.
  • Consult the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Best Practices Manual early and often during the procurement process.
  • Incorporate waste prevention into the way you live and work.
  • Buy less hazardous products to reduce regulatory liability, improve workers' safety, and lower disposal costs.
  • Construct, design, and maintain buildings with energy-efficient and water conserving products that can save money.
  • Select products that are reusable, refillable, and more durable or repairable. This creates less waste and is more cost-effective in the long run than disposable or single-use products.
  • Buy recycled products. Close the loop to keep our home and workplace recycling programs going and to conserve our natural resources.
  • Try to reduce your environmental impact when traveling.
Last updated: January 29, 2007
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP),
Kathy Frevert:, (916) 341-6476