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ICD-O-3 Abstract and the Article  

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ICD-O-3 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  1. Softbound versus hardbound books

    The softbound books of the ICD-O-3 ("U.S. Interim Version") are available through your state central cancer registry. There is no charge for them as they were printed at U.S. government expense (your tax dollars at work). Do not try to order the softbound U.S. Interim Version from World Health Organization (WHO) Publications Center.

  2. Hematopoietic primaries table availability

    The hematopoietic table is in the final stages of medical review. When it is ready it will be available from the SEER Web Site ( It is aimed that this table will be available on Febraury 1, 2001.
ICD-O-3 Implementation Activities

ICD-O, Third Edition has been more than two years in development. The concept of ICD-O-3 was presented to the NAACCR Uniform Data Standards Committee in February, 2000. As part of the implementation process for ICD-O-3, SEER has conducted, or will conduct, the following activities by January 2001:

  • The hard copy version of the ICD-O-3 manual has been sent to World Health Organization (WHO) for printing. The manuals can be ordered now (see below).
  • WHO has set the price for single copies of ICD-O-3 at $54.00. There is a 30% discount ($37.80) for 30 to 999 copies shipped to a single address, and a 60% discount ($21.60) for 1000 or more copies shipped to a single address. The ICD-O-3 Editorial Committee has requested that WHO publish the book in hardbound, softbound and electronic versions. ICD-O-3 is available from the World Health Organization's North American distributor, WHO Publications Center USA, 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, NY 12210.
  • NCI SEER will ship soft-bound copies of the ICD-O-3 manuals to SEER registries. NPCR will also ship soft-bound copies of the ICD-O-3 manuals to NPCR registries. Hard-bound copies will also be shipped. These manuals will arrive in the SEER registries and NPCR registries in December 2000 and January 2001.
  • A full day training program was conducted at the National Cancer Registrars Association meeting in May, 2000.  More than 160 registrars attended.
  • A detailed technical overview of ICD-O-3 was published in the November 2000 issue of the Journal of Registry Management, the journal of the National Cancer Registrars Association.
  • The Uniform Data Standards Committee has also approved two new data fields in the NAACCR record version 9 to accommodate ICD-O-3 morphology codes and the manner in which that field was filled (conversion, new diagnosis, etc.)
  • In mid-August 2000, after the new terms and codes had been finalized, an Excel file was made available to vendors via the SEER web site.  A password was required to control access to the copyrighted terms and codes in the file. Information about the availability of this file was disseminated through the NAACCR listserv.
  • Conversions:
  • ICD-O-3 to ICD-10 will be available in the near future (electronic version, printed version, and conversion programs)
    ICD-O-2 to ICD-O-3 will be available in the near future (electronic version, printed version, and conversion programs)
    ICD-O-3 to ICD-O-2 will be available in the near future (electronic version, printed version, and conversion programs)

  • The SEER Program via contract with Emory University has developed this web-based training module. The National Cancer Registrars Association has granted 3.0 Continuing Education (C.E.) hours upon completion of this module.
  • A satellite teleconference on ICD-O-3, sponsored by the SEER Program, took place on January 9, 2001 and was broadcasted through the hospital satellite network.
  • April Fritz, one of the editors of ICD-O-3, Dr. Timothy Cote’, Medical Director of the SEER Program, and other qualified speakers are making in-person presentations about ICD-O-3 to registry professional groups throughout the country.  Currently, completed and scheduled presentations will reach registrar organizations in at least 32 states and metropolitan areas and provincial registry personnel in Canada.  No reasonable request for an ICD-O-3 presentation will be declined if staff time and funds are available during this implementation period.

Keep an eye on (and even bookmark) this web site for future developments.

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