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Your Investment in Cancer Research

More than 1.4 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2007. However, cancer death rates in the U.S. have actually dropped each year since 1990. And today there are almost 12 million Americans alive who have survived a cancer diagnosis. Much of this advancement is due to cancer research supported by NCI. Each year NCI funds more than 1,500 research studies with humans (called clinical research studies or clinical trials). In 2006, 4 out of 9 major advances in cancer research were supported by an NCI clinical trial, while another 9 of 15 notable advances were also supported by an NCI clinical trial.[1] For example, NCI has been responsible for developing 40 different chemotherapy agents to treat cancer. And the advances made in cancer research have significant implications for the treatment of other diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, HIV/AIDS, and macular degeneration. Search the NCI Funded Research Portfolio to find where your investment in cancer research is going.
The National Cancer Institute: More Than 70 Years of Excellence in Cancer Research
Information about the Institute's origins, accomplishments, and strategies for future progress.

100 Years of Advances Against Cancer
Key discoveries, advances, and events related to cancer that occurred during the past century.

Success Stories in Technology Transfer
NCI's role in collaborations that resulted in key cancer drugs such as Taxol® and Velcade® are listed.

Cancer Advances In Focus
A fact sheet collection to highlight the progress made in cancer research, treatment, supportive care, survivorship, screening, prevention, and genetics since the National Cancer Act was signed into law in 1971.

Planning for Progress: Snapshots
Information about trends in cancer incidence, mortality, and research funding for a number of cancer types.

Grant and Contract Awards to Institutions Across the U.S.
The number and dollar amount of NCI awards made in fiscal year 2007 are listed by state.

Grant Success Rates
Data showing the acceptance rates and fiscal years for the various types of grant applications reviewed by the NCI.

1. Unpublished NCI analysis of advances reported in Ozols RF, et al., "Clinical Cancer Advances 2006: Major Research Advances in Cancer Treatment, Prevention, and Screening - A Report From the American Society of Clinical Oncology," Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 25, No 1 (January 1), 2007: pp. 146-162. [PUBMED Abstract]

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health