TREA's Memorial Foundation

by Chairman Bill De Boer 

On May 14,1990, the TREA memorial Foundation was established as an affiliate of TREA, as a charitable tax exempt program under Section 501(c) (3)  of the Internal Revenue Code.  The Foundation was organized for charitable and educational purposes, to receive and disburse donations through our Direct Mail Program (Armed Forces Aide Campaign (AFAC)), wills, and personal contributions.  The mission of the Foundation is to support and assist fellow veterans, active and retired, their families, military widows and children as necessary to provide assistance during their time of need.   

The Memorial Foundation has the following programs which provide assistance for veterans and their families: 

(1)  Scholarships: Provides educational assistance and opportunities to the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of TREA and TREA Auxiliary members. 

(2) Benevolent Assistance: Provides financial assistance to families of veterans who are faced with adversity.  

(3) Disaster Relief: Provides assistance to victims of disasters who may be left homeless or in financial despair as a result of natural disasters.  

In January 2005, the Foundation started a new program AFAC as a fund  raiser in support of a military person or their dependents in need of help as a result of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan since the beginning of the war in October 2001. 

The Foundation may be able to provide a variety of assistance including help with educational costs, financial and/or medical assistance. Priority assistance will be given to persons who are permanently disabled or handicapped as a result of combat related activity and the families of those killed or missing in action. 

As your Chairman of the Memorial Foundation you can be assured that the  Trustees will carry out their assigned mission through your generous donations. If you wish to make a donation to the TREA Memorial Foundation, you may specify which program you prefer. Or a bequest may be made in your will to the TREA Memorial Foundation in your name specifying where your donation should be applied. All other donations should be designated for charitable programs. All donations are tax-deductible. 

To donate or for information pertaining to any program contact:  William B. DeBoer, Chairman, TREA Memorial Foundation, 1111 S. Abilene Court, Aurora, CO 80012, or via e-mail to:                        

To make a donation online, click here.


TREA Memorial Foundation Bylaws

TREA Memorial Foundation Standing Rules



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