Welcome to the California Department of Food and Agriculture
California crop field
Individuals who participated in California’s Agricultural Vision stakeholder outreach this summer gave us the tools and insights to craft the initial framework for a set of long-term goals for an advanced 21st century food supply. This has initiated the visioning process. Please provide input on this framework as we further refine it.

We would like to formally introduce the California Agricultural Vision 2030 at California Ag Day on March 24th. Around this time we will begin assembling stakeholder task forces to develop specific action step to achieve our long range objectives.

California Agricultural Vision

A Step Forward

Food production systems of the past have relied on an abundance of water, land, energy and labor. They have provided society with nutritious foods at minimal cost to the consumer. Consequently, some practices resulted in high costs to our environment, our health, our air and our landscapes.

In California, the landscape has changed and priorities have changed, but the need for food has not. As an agricultural community responsible for providing food for the state, nation and world, we rely on sound and progressive practices to protect our citizens, land and natural resources.

California steadily leads in innovation and technology, and we must continue to blaze trails toward long-lasting sustainability and health. Challenges in obesity, diet related diseases, hunger, rising energy costs, a growing population, dwindling water supplies and a changing climate require our attention, and it is our responsibility lead the way for an advanced 21st century food supply.

It is the policy of the State of California that agriculture is a strategic resource necessary to support a sustainable food production and delivery system as well as a vibrant natural resource base in California that promotes healthy citizens, thriving communities and a healthy environment.

This new California food policy unleashes solutions to the obstacles that compromise our ability to profitably produce food.

Three policy priorities can result in a sustainable agri-food system for California:

  1. Better health and well-being for Californians
  2. A healthier state and world
  3. Thriving communities
Better Health and Well-being: Meeting the Nutrition Needs of California’s Diverse Population
By 2030...
  • Consumers have a California food supply at the highest possible level of safety using best management practices that protect California’s unique natural resources.
  • All Californians have access to healthy food, understand the importance of meeting the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and have fundamental knowledge about how food is grown and prepared for the table.
A Healthier Planet: Agricultural Stewardship of the Natural Resource Base upon which California and Food Production Depends
By 2030...
  • A reliable water supply and conveyance system assures adequate quality and quantity of water to meet the needs of California and to sustain agriculture’s prominence as a global food producer.
  • Agricultural land resources are conserved to maintain California’s thriving agricultural economy and healthy ecosystems.
  • An updated regulatory system recognizes and fosters ecosystem services provided by working farms and ranches and encourages the sustainability of our food supply.
  • Natural and agricultural resources are protected from plant and animal diseases by preventing the entry and establishment of invasive species and disease.
  • Agriculture will help meet California’s climate change goals through innovative management practices and technologies that recognize the unique opportunities in agriculture to reduce green house gas emissions.
  • Agriculture has adapted to changes in climate and maintained its competitive advantage in the global food production system.
  • California agriculture is a leader in providing renewable energy resources for California.
  • California agriculture is a leader in applying innovation to improve air quality conditions in California.

Thriving Communities: Food Production is a Driver of Sustainable California Economic Growth.

By 2030...
  • California’s economy is strengthened through growth of a vibrant agricultural sector by promoting healthy consumption, export market expansion for a growing world population and job creation.
  • Consumers worldwide view California as the supplier of the highest quality and most nutritious food products using the most sustainable practices.
  • California agricultural policies encourage and foster diverse agricultural production systems to meet a variety of market demands.
  • Agriculture is a highly desirable green career of choice and will have a stable, well educated and trained workforce.
  • Research and extension of research stimulates innovation and adaptability to keep California’s agri-food system the world’s most productive, profitable and environmentally sound.

Click here for draft action items that were extracted from listening sessions and submitted public testimony.

Be part of California’s Agricultural Future – please provide comments:

Do you agree with the overall California Ag Vision that “agriculture is a strategic resource necessary to support a sustainable food production and delivery system as well as a vibrant natural resource base in California that promotes healthy citizens, thriving communities and a healthy environment?

Yes    No

Do you agree with the general objectives for better health and well-being to meet the nutrition needs of California's diverse population?

Yes    No

Do you agree with the general objectives for a healthier planet - agricultural stewardship of the natural resource base upon which California and food production depends?

Yes    No

Do you agree with the general objectives for thriving communities with food production as a driver of sustainable California economic growth?

Yes    No

Other Comments?

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Funding for this Project Provided in Part from:
The Colombia Foundation and the Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation