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Inauguration May Be Short On Toilets

There will be 5,000 port-a-potties available for Barack Obama's inauguration. But with crowds of 2 million possible, that may not be nearly enough.

Facebook Pic Riles Political Opponents

A Facebook photo showing Uruguay's interior minister in the shower has scandalized opposition leaders, who called her an "exhibitionist."

Unclear On The 'Designated Driver' Concept

A drunken Long Island driver switched places with his passenger -- but the new driver also was intoxicated.

Flood Of Applicants For 'Best Job In The World'

Flood Of Applicants For 'Best Job In The World'

Thousands apply to Australia's Queensland state for its latest advertised vacancy — a $100K contract to relax in the Great Barrier Reef for six months while blogging to promote Hamilton Island.

I Triple Dog Dare You!

In a scene straight out of the movie "A Christmas Story," a 10-year-old Indiana boy got his tongue stuck to a metal pole.

Hexes To Replace Bad Credit Reports?

A collector has hired Lithuania's most famous self-styled witch to hunt down companies and individuals who are failing to pay their debts.

'Shows Great Enthusiasm For Her Work'

Columbus, Ohio, police have arrested a man they say was responsible for a Web site where customers could post reviews of prostitutes.

Cops Say Man Posed as Female Veterinarian

Cops Say Man Posed as Female Veterinarian

A New Jersey man posed as a female animal doctor, police say, running an illegal veterinary practice and setting up a phony rescue agency that may have duped pet lovers out of thousands.

Hold The Anchovies And The Bullets, Please

A 26-year-old Massachusetts man may want to avoid a certain pizza place after he was shot in front of the restaurant twice in less than a year.

Out Of The Running For Father Of The Year

An eastern Missouri man faces charges for allegedly trying to hire a hitman to beat his daughter.

'Animal Husbandry' Joke Goes Here

A woman who worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Kansas City is accused of running an online prostitution business through her government office computer.

Drinking Before Work? No Problem!

Peru's top court said showing up to work drunk isn't enough to get you fired, and less so if you aren't likely to put others at risk.

State Seizes Kids With Nazi-Based Names

State Seizes Kids With Nazi-Based Names

Police say three New Jersey siblings whose names have Nazi connotations have been placed in the custody of the state.

Goats Blamed For Starting Iowa House Fire

Firefighters said goats may have started a fire that destroyed a home near Norwalk in central Iowa.

Bank Error In Your Favor. Go Directly To Jail.

A Pennsylvania couple is behind bars after police say they failed to call the bank when a glitch put $175,000 in their account.

You Can't Go Back, Especially To High School

You Can't Go Back, Especially To High School

A Wisconsin woman who enrolled in high school under her daughter's name and tried out for the cheerleading squad has been committed to a mental health facility for three years.

Black History Month Flier Tweaked

A flier headlined "Why I hate Black History Month" that was sent home with St. Louis-area schoolchildren has been tweaked after a handful of complaints.

Team Offering Obama O-Bobbleheads

Team Offering Obama O-Bobbleheads

Change you can believe in: For one night, the Brooklyn Cyclones minor league baseball team is swapping its name in tribute to Barack Obama.

Wife With Hubby's Kidney Denies Cheating

The woman whose estranged husband is demanding $1.5 million for the kidney he gave her during happier times denies accusations that she was unfaithful.

'American Idol' Sues Over 'Stripper Idol'

'American Idol' Sues Over 'Stripper Idol'

The company that owns the popular television show sued in federal court to stop the weekly "Stripper Idol" contest at Palazio Men's Club in Austin, Texas.

Hoping Used Razors Are Just A Close Shave

Sheriff's officials in Idaho said they are running blood tests on about 192 jail inmates who may have shaved with used, disposable razors.

And Arrested By The Courtesy Police, Too

A 26-year-old man and his father were arrested by an off-duty Muncie police officer after the man cut in line at a Wal-Mart store.

Man Accused Of Selling Child For Cash, Beer

Police have arrested a man in Greenfield, Monterey County, for allegedly arranging to sell his 14-year-old daughter into marriage in exchange for $16,000, 100 cases of beer and several cases of meat.