Special Reports

2009 Green Checklist

25 low-cost, maximum- impact tips for a greener year.

Glam And Green

Hillsborough house tries to go easy on the Earth.

Marine Life(less)

The spread of oceans' oxygen- depleted dead zones.


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Green Links

Some wolves taken off endangered list

The Bush administration is removing gray wolves in the western Great Lakes and northern Rocky Mountains...

Alaska opposes listing whales as threatened

The state of Alaska will go to court to challenge a federal decision to protect beluga whales in Cook...

Industry, environmentalists gang up on climate

An alliance of environmental groups and big corporations concerned about global warming released a detailed plan on Thursday to slash...

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EPA nominee to reconsider California waiver

Lisa Jackson, President-elect Barack Obama's pick for EPA administrator, said Wednesday she would immediately revisit the Bush...

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City's Candlestick plan under fire

A plan for turning San Francisco's Candlestick Point and the Hunters Point Shipyard into a neighborhood and business district twice...

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Donations for sea otters in danger

Marine conservationists say a dour economy could impact funding that is key to protecting the sea otter. The California Sea Otter Fund...

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Chu cruises through energy post hearing

Steven Chu, President-elect Barack Obama's choice to lead the Energy Department, is known for his scientific prowess as a Nobel...

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Coastal power plants could face tougher rules

San Francisco's Mirant Corp. power plant, under fire from the city attorney and environmental groups, is one of 19 power plants in...

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Watchdog calls for cleaning up solar industry

Despite its reputation, solar power isn't completely clean. Most solar cells are made of silicon, and the process of refining it...

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