The Gap Between Food Intakes & the
Pyramid Recommendations: Measurement & Food System Ramifications
Summary: This
analysis of food consumption data and food supply data shows that significant
differences exist between current dietary patterns and Food Guide Pyramid
recommendations. Dietary shifts that would be required to meet Pyramid
recommendations have significant implications for the agriculture and food
marketing industries, both now and in the future.
Reference: McNamara PE,
Ranney CK, Kantor LS, Krebs-Smith SM. The gap between food intakes and the
Pyramid recommendations: measurement and food system ramifications. Food Policy.
Current U.S. dietary patterns
diverge significantly from those recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for
Americans. Fully adopting the Dietary Guidelines requires changes in many
socio-cultural factors and individual behaviors. It also requires that
sufficient quantities of healthful foods be available in the market. This paper
reviews how Americans are eating compared to the Food Guide Pyramid (FGP)
recommendations that embody the Dietary Guidelines, quantifies the discrepancies
at the individual and aggregate food supply levels, and projects those gaps to
the year 2020, based on Census Bureau populations projections.
To meet the FGP recommendations,
individual Americans need to increase their consumption of fruits, whole grains,
low-fat dairy products, and lean meat. Servings of vegetables are close to
recommended levels, but individuals need to change the types of vegetables they
eat, so that they eat fewer potatoes and more dark-green and deep-yellow
vegetables and more dry beans and peas.
For the current population, the
largest gaps between FGP recommendations and the aggregate food supply are in
fruits, milk, and meat. More than 1 ½ times the fruit supply level would be
needed to meet FGP recommendations, low-fat dairy supplies would need to
increase by 50% and lean meat supplies by 15%. To meet FGP recommendations, the
composition of available vegetables would need to change dramatically: supplies
of dark-green and deep-yellow vegetables and dry beans and peas would need to
triple; supplies of white potatoes and other starchy vegetables would need to be
cut in half; and the supply of other vegetables would need to decrease by a
quarter. Supplies of caloric sweeteners would need to decrease by more than
50%, or by 21 billion pounds, and added fat supplies would need to decrease by 3
billion pounds.
Looking into the future, projected
population growth between now and 2020 means that supplies of those commodities
that individuals need to eat more of -- dark-green and deep-yellow vegetables, dry
beans and peas, low-fat dairy, and lean meat -- will need to increase even more.
At the same time, supplies of those they need to eat less of will not need to
decrease as much. Even accounting for the growth in population, however, supplies
of caloric sweeteners will still need to decrease by 17 billion pounds.
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