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Charge d'Affaires: Larry Dinger
Background Notes

Map of Burma

Flag of Burma


Aung San Suu Kyi Marks 13 Years Under House Arrest

As of October 24, 2008, Aung San Suu Kyi has spent a total of thirteen years under house arrest. Press Statement

Burma – UN Report on Human Rights
The U.S. appreciates the recent report of the UN Special Rapporteur for Burma, which compiles important evidence of continuing violations of human rights in the country. Press Statement

U.S. Relief Efforts For Burma
Director of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance USAID Ky Luu [State Dept Image]Director Luu (June 5): "It’s been 35 days since the cyclone hit Burma. [A]pproximately 54% of the affected population have received some humanitarian assistance. That means that approximately a million people have gone without adequate shelter, water, food, and access to healthcare." Full Text

Burma in the Aftermath of Cyclone Nargis
Deputy Assistant Secretary Scot Marciel.Deputy Assistant Secretary Marciel (May 20): "...We are focused on the humanitarian disaster ... while recognizing that the best hope for a successful intervention lies in a decision by the Burmese regime to permit the international community to provide the help that is so desperately needed." Full Text

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