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Women's Health Policy
Women and Health Care: A National Profile
A national survey of women on their health examines their health status, health care costs, insurance, access to care, prevention, and role in family health care. 
Tutorial: Reproductive Health Care for Women
This tutorial discusses key health policy issues that govern coverage and access to health care services to women.
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Making the Most of Medicaid: Promoting the Health of Women and Infants With Preconception Care -- December 2008
This article examines the evolution and current role of Medicaid in improving access to preconception care for low-income women and discusses opportunities to promote preconception care through the program.
Health Insurance Coverage of Women Ages 18 to 64, by State, 2006-2007 -- December 2008
This fact sheet provides state-by-state data on the uninsured rate, as well as rates of private insurance coverage and Medicaid coverage, among women nationally, in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
President Obama's Campaign Position on Health Reform and Other Health Care Issues -- November 2008
These summaries explain President-Elect Obama's campaign proposal on comprehensive health reform, as well as his campaign positions on a variety of other health care issues.
Women's Health Insurance Coverage Fact Sheet -- October 2008
This updated fact sheet discusses the predominant forms of health insurance coverage for women ages 18 to 64, including coverage rates, benefits, recent coverage trends, and issues related to uninsured women.
Fact Sheet: Women and HIV/AIDS in the United States: Update -- October 2008
This updated fact sheet highlights the impact of HIV/AIDS on women in the United States, providing current data and trends over time
Women's Health and Election 2008 -- October 2008
This brief from our Election 2008 series examines women's priorities for health care and includes health insurance coverage and affordability, long-term care, delivery system issues and reproductive health. The brief summarizes the presidential candidates' stated positions on these topics.
2008 Election Briefs -- October 2008
Kaiser's new series of election briefs frame the challenges the health care system faces, provide basic facts, and offer questions to assess the presidential candidates' plan on key health policy issues.
Health Care and Long-Term Care Policy: Concerns Facing Older Women -- September 2008 Video/Audio
This tutorial discusses health care coverage and cost challenges for older women.
Fact Sheet: Sexual Health of Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States -- September 2008
This fact sheet covers a broad range of sexual health topics facing teens in the United States.
Abortion in the U.S.: Utilization, Financing and Access -- June 2008
This fact sheet provides key data on the levels of use of different abortion procedures in the United States and reviews the different federal and state policies that affect availability of and access to services.
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Women's Health Policy
Women are major consumers of health care services, negotiating not only their own complex health care but often managing care for their family members as well. Their reproductive health needs as well as their greater rates of health problems and longer life spans compared with men make women’s relationships with the health care system complex. Women are also more likely to be low-income and often face the added challenge of balancing work with family health and caregiving responsibilities. For the one in five women who are uninsured, access to high quality, comprehensive care is even more difficult.

Women have a vested interest in the scope and type of services offered by the health care system, as well as in the mechanisms that fund their health care services. Because their access to care is influenced by a broad range of factors, analysis of women’s health policy cuts across many sectors of the health care financing and delivery system, including reproductive health policy, reforms to publicly-financed health programs, as well as private sector efforts to contain costs and improve health. Women comprise the majority of beneficiaries in publicly –funded programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and welfare, making them key stakeholders in public policy debates about the impact of reforms to these programs. Because of their lower incomes, affordability and cost of care are critical issues for women.

The Foundation aims to provide policymakers, journalists, advocates, and public health practitioners with current analysis on the policies in health financing and delivery that affect women. The particular challenges faced by women at risk for experiencing access barriers, such as those on Medicaid, those who are uninsured, and racial and ethnic minorities, are a special focus. Primary activities include conducting periodic surveys on women's interactions with the health care system, monitoring reforms under consideration in Washington and state capitols across the country, conducting research to document the impact of policies and to identify emerging priority areas for women, as well as briefing policymakers and their staff on key trends and issues to inform current policy debates.




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