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Health Coverage & the Uninsured: Profile of the Uninsured
First 2008 Election Brief Examines the Uninsured and Options for Reform
The first in a series of 2008 election briefs on health policy issues provides key facts on the nation’s uninsured population, presents broad policy options for coverage, and offers questions to assess the presidential candidates' plans.
Characteristics of the Uninsured: Who is Eligible for Public Coverage and Who Needs Help Affording Coverage?
This issue brief analyzes health coverage data and determines that 25% of the nation's uninsured population is eligible for either Medicaid or SCHIP. The brief goes on to describe the characteristics of the uninsured population.
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Next Steps in Covering Uninsured Children: Findings from the Kaiser Survey of Children’s Health Coverage -- January 2009 KCMU Material
This issue brief provides key findings from the Kaiser Survey of Children’s Health Coverage conducted in 2007, including that many low- and middle-income working families with an uninsured child do not have access to employer-sponsored health insurance.  
Covering Uninsured Children: Reaching and Enrolling Citizen Children With Non-Citizen Parents -- January 2009 KCMU Material
This issue brief examines health insurance coverage for low-income citizen children whose parents are not citizens and some of the specific barriers to enrolling these children in Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program. 
Health Insurance Coverage of America's Children -- January 2009 KCMU Material
This chartbook provides fundamental facts about children's health insurance coverage.
Health Insurance Coverage of Women Ages 18 to 64, by State, 2006-2007 -- December 2008
This fact sheet provides state-by-state data on the uninsured rate, as well as rates of private insurance coverage and Medicaid coverage, among women nationally, in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Health Coverage in an Economic Downturn: Impact of Tight Budgets on Families and States -- November 2008
The economic downturn has strained family finances and led some Americans to cut back on medications and medical care. The Foundation has a number of resources that shed light on how Americans and states are faring and provide background on the uninsured, employer-sponsored health insurance costs, trends in states’ Medicaid enrollment and spending and prior efforts to support the Medicaid program during a slumping economy.
Low-Income Adults in New Orleans in 2008: Who Are They and How Are They Faring? -- October 2008
Based on data from Kaiser's Second Post-Katrina Survey, this Survey Brief finds that New Orleans continues to have a sizeable population of low-income adults in 2008, and that these adults are more likely than other adults in the city to still be dealing with recovery from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and financial and health care challenges.  
Women's Health Insurance Coverage Fact Sheet -- October 2008
This updated fact sheet discusses the predominant forms of health insurance coverage for women ages 18 to 64, including coverage rates, benefits, recent coverage trends, and issues related to uninsured women.
The Uninsured: A Primer -- October 2008 KCMU Material
This primer, updated with 2007 data, reviews the basic profile of the uninsured population, how they receive care, the latest trends in health insurance coverage, and what the options are for increasing coverage.
Covering the Uninsured: Options for Reform -- September 2008 KCMU Material
The first in a series of 2008 election briefs on health policy issues provides key facts on the nation’s uninsured population, presents broad policy options for coverage, and offers questions to assess the presidential candidates' plans.
The Uninsured and the Difference Health Insurance Makes -- September 2008
This fact sheet describes the characteristics of the uninsured population, the difference health insurance makes, and why there is a large uninsured population.
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Health Coverage & the Uninsured: Profile of the Uninsured
The demographics of the uninsured have not changed substantially over time. Today over 70 percent of the 41 million uninsured Americans come from families where there is at least one full-time worker. Two-thirds of all the uninsured come from low-income families (with incomes less than 200% of the federal poverty level) and about half of these are children or their parents. Adults make up a disproportionate share of the uninsured representing over three-quarters of the uninsured. About 40% of the uninsured report that their health is not very good (i.e., either good, fair, or poor health) compared to 25% of those with private health insurance.

While these demographics are compelling, they have not been sufficient to effect large- scale health reforms. However, the “personal profile” – where we learn what it means to an individual facing a health problem without the financial security of insurance – may be equally useful in understanding the magnitude of the problem for families, communities, and the nation at large. 


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