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New and Noteworthy
New Reports Examine Trends In Children's Health Coverage
With Congress poised to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program with a substantial increase in its federal funding, the Foundation released a set of new reports and other resources analyzing trends in children's health coverage, including a 50-state survey examining changes in state eligibility rules and enrollment procedures.
Poll Finds Health Provisions Among Public's Top Priorities For Economic Stimulus, Health Reform Rated Among Top Priorities For New President And Congress
The public ranks action on health care highly as part of efforts to stem the impact of the economic recession and also views reforming health care as one of the top priorities for President Obama and Congress, according to a new national survey conducted by researchers from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health.
Multiple Agendas for Controlling Health Care Costs, the Latest "Pulling It Together, From Drew Altman" Column
In his latest essay for "Pulling It Together, From Drew Altman," the Foundation's President and CEO considers whether multiple, and sometimes conflicting, agendas for controlling health spending and care costs could play out in separate or combined "grand bargain" health reform and entitlement debates.

Hot topics: Health Coverage In a Recession, National Health Reform Efforts, Children's Health Coverage

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