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Librarians and Libraries Respond to Disasters: Bibliography on Library Roles in Disaster Response and Recovery


  1. Lamont J. KM’s role in the aftermath of a disaster. KM World [Internet]. 2005 1 Nov [cited 2008 Mar 11];14(10):[about 1 p.]. Available from:'s-role-in-the-aftermath-of-disaster-14549.aspx

  2. Rasmussen C. Hurricane-stressed teachers get digital help from NSDL and DLESE. UCAR Quarterly [Internet]. 2005 [cited 2008 Mar 11];Fall:[about 1 p.]. Available from:

  3. Robertson D. SLA’s response to natural disasters. Information Outlook [Internet]. 2005 [cited 2008 Mar 11];9(10):[about 8 p.]. Available from:

  4. Williams G. Librarians and working families: bridging the information divide. Libr Trends [Internet]. 2002 [cited 2008 Mar 13];50(2):[about 7 p.]. Available from:

  5. Putnam L. By choice or by chance: how the internet is used to prepare for, manage, and share information about emergencies. First Monday [Internet]. 2002 [cited 2008 Mar 14];7(11):[about 17 screens]. Available from:

  6. Matthews J, Wiggins, R. Libraries, the internet, and September 11th. First Monday [Internet]. 2001 [cited 2008 Mar 14];6(12):[about 7 screens]. Available from:

  7. New York Public Library [Internet]. New York: The New York Public Library; 2008. The New York Public Library responds to public’s needs in the wake of the September 11 tragedy with a new series of programs; 2001 Oct 2 [cited 2008 Mar 10];[about 1 screen]. Available from:

  8. McNight M. Health sciences librarians’ reference services during a disaster: more than just collection protection. Med Ref Serv Q. 2006;25(3):1-12.

  9. Fletcher AM. No point of reference: a hurricane of medical information needs. Journal of Hospital Librarianship. 2006;6(2):1-14.

  10. Jaeger PT, Langa LA, McClure CR, Bertot JC. The 2004 and 2005 Gulf Coast hurricanes: evolving roles and lessons learned for public libraries in disaster preparedness and community services. Public Library Quarterly. 2007;25(3/4):199-214.

  11. McGuire L. Planning for a pandemic influenza outbreak: roles for librarian liaisons in emergency delivery of educational programs. Med Ref Serv Q. 2007;26(4),1-13.

  12. Eberhart G. Katrina’s terrible toll: librarians rally to provide information for a devastated gulf coast population. American Libraries. 2005;36(9),14-25.

  13. Harris R, Wathen CN, Chan D. Public library responses to a consumer health inquiry in a public health crisis. Reference and User Services Quarterly. 2005;45(2),146-154.

  14. McCoy, MJ. The forces of nature or dancing with the three ladies. Texas Library Journal. 2005;81(4),142-143.

  15. Matthews G. Disaster management: sharing experience, working together across the sector. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. 2005;37(2),63-74.

  16. Albanese A, Blumenstein L, Oder N, Rogers M. Libraries damaged, librarians respond, after hurricane’s fury. Library Journal. 2005;130(15),16-17.

  17. Block M, Kim A. All (librarian) hands on deck: librarians lead the way on the long journey to recovery and rebuilding. Library Journal. 2006;131(5),22-25.

  18. Bertot JC, Jaeger PT, Langa LA, McClure CR. Public access computing and Internet access in public libraries: the role of public libraries in e-government and emergency situations. First Monday [internet]. 2006 [cited 2008 Mar 10];11(9):[about 31 screens]. Available from:

  19. Jones C, Mitnick S. Open source disaster recovery: case studies of networked collaboration. First Monday [internet]. 2006 [cited 2008 10 Mar];11(5):[about 23 screens]. Available from:

Last updated: 20 August 2008
First published: 14 August 2008
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