Delila: Software for Information Analysis of Protein and Nucleic-acid Sequences

including Sequence Logos and Sequence Walkers

The 4 basepairs of DNA. Choosing one of 4 objects takes 2 bits.

Delila programs were designed to manipulate sets of sequence fragments. Some of the programs are used to create sequence logos and sequence walkers while others are tools that I find useful such as rembla and the TheThe program.

Arnold's Laws of Documentation:
(1) If it should exist, it doesn't.
(2) If it does exist, it's out of date.
(3) Only documentation for useless programs transcends the first two laws.

FTP Archive

Note: The ftp archive existed before these web pages. I'm holding these pointers here for now, but they are pretty much out of date.

The Delila ftp site contains tools for sequence manipulation and other tasks. Information about how to set up Delila programs is found in the README.

NOTE: Our ftp site has changed from "" to "". Please use the new name in the future. If you received a package of our papers before April 6, 1994, please note the change on the cover page, on page 820 of the Shaner et al paper and on page 6100 of the sequence logos paper.

An ASCII drawing of double helical DNA.

Schneider Lab

origin: before 1996 Aug 10
updated: 2004 Jan 26