Science News - Latest Science Articles from David Bradley Science Writer

Latest Science and Medical News

Win Sputnik Mania


sputnik-maniaOn 4th October 1957, the Soviets made the shock announcement that they had sent the first craft ever into orbit around the Earth. The Americans were stunned, how could the USSR have stolen a march on them in this way. That shock then turned to fear with the realisation that the Soviets were obviously that much more technologically advanced than they had suspected.

This revelation led to the advent …

Sciencebase on an iPhone


sciencebase-on-iphoneIf you happen to have one of those luxurious portable gadgets, like an iPhone or the slightly less luxurious Google Android, then you can now read your favourite Science-based blog without all the visual effects simply by loading up the following URL - for the mobile version of the site.

For those who care about these things, the sub-domain ports to a special Google Reader address that …

Physical Spotlight


The January issue of my Intute Spotlight column is now live

3D astrophysics - Astrophysicists are using a novel 3D computer visualization technique to help them understand the role of gravity in the formation of vast, stellar nurseries, also known as molecular clouds. …

Cosmic nanodiamonds - Tiny particles of crystalline carbon found in sediments at six sites in North America dating back almost 13000 years, suggest that a swarm of carbon-and-water-rich comets …

Spectroscopy, XRD, MRI, NMR

spectroscopy newsIn conjunction with SpectroscopyNOW, David Bradley brings you the latest science news in the fields of MRI, NMR, IR, Raman and UV spectroscopy as well as chemical informatics, crystallography and other X-ray techniques. Physical science news is in conjunction with Intute where you can read more recent scientific discoveries in astronomy, chemistry, geology, materials science, physics, and more. For straight chemistry news check out my twice-monthly Alchemist newsfeed on ChemWeb and the quarterly Reactive Reports both covering all areas of chemical science, including organic, inorganic, physical, pharma, nano, environmental and biotech.  

David Bradley Science Writer is the website of freelance science writer David Bradley BSc CChem MRSC. David has covered a wide range of subjects for many popular magazines, technical publications, websites, and elsewhere, including American Scientist, BioMedNet, ChemWeb, Nature, New Scientist, Popular Science, Proc Natl Acad Sci, Science, and SpectroscopyNOW. He is a member of the US National Association of Science Writers, the UK's Royal Society of Chemistry and the Association of British Science Writers. You can read his biography here or contact him by email, call him on +44 (0)1954 202218, or contact him via Skype as david.bradley.

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