gauss program

Documentation for the gauss program is below, with links to related programs in the "see also" section.

{version = 1.02; (* of gauss.p 1994 sep 5}

(* begin module describe.gauss *)
   gauss: generate a bunch of gaussianly distributed numbers

   gauss(gaussp:in, data: out, output: out) 

   gaussp: parameter file controlling the program.
      Two numbers, one per line:
         seed: random seed to start the process
         total: the number of numbers to generate
   data: the input file for genhis.  this is a set of numbers which
      should have gaussian distribution if the random number generator
      is a reasonable one.  It will be N(0,1), a normal distribution
      with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
   genhisp: control file for genhis
   output: messages to the user

   Test of a random number generator by creating a Gaussian distribution of
   numbers for plotting by genhis.  Further details of the method are in email
   communications appended to the end of this program in a comment.

  seed := 0.5;
  total := 10000;

see also
   tstrnd.p, genhis.p, gentst.p

   Thomas D. Schneider

   none known
technical notes 
   the constant n in procedure randomtest determines how many times  
   the random number generator will be in a series of tests.  if n 
   is small, the the test will be poor, if it is large then the test may 
   take a long time. 

(* end module describe.gauss *)
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