U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan - Serving Wisconsin's 1st District









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Home | Issues In Depth | Energy


Energy and gas prices
The economic well-being of the United States and the livelihood and safety of our citizens is largely dependent on maintaining a strong energy supply. We depend on electricity to light our homes and businesses, natural gas to heat them, and gasoline to operate the cars and trucks that carry us to work and transport our goods.  Unfortunately, Congress continues to put off meaningful reform to our nation’s deeply flawed energy policies.  Congress must act to utilize domestic energy supplies, promote the building of new refineries, cut the number of reformulated fuel blends, and responsibly promote alternative sources of renewable energy for a cleaner environment. 

For more information on this subject, please see my Energy and Gas prices Issue Paper.

Related materials
Issue Paper:
* Energy
News Releases by Topic:
* Energy
Statements and Speeches by Topic:
* Energy

* 7/6/08 - Paul Ryan speaks with Jim and Tony on Real Wealth Radio regarding energy policy
CRS Reports:

* The Effects of Oil Shocks on the Economy: A Review of the Empirical Evidence
* Nuclear Energy Policy
Other Resources:
* Energy Savings Starts at Home (FTC)
* Saving Money at the Gas Pump (FTC)
* The Energy Information Agency

Washington Office
1113 Longworth HOB 
Washington, D.C. 20515 
Phone: (202) 225-3031 
Fax: (202) 225-3393
Janesville Office
20 South Main Street
Suite 10 
Janesville, WI 53545 
Phone: (608) 752-4050 
Fax: (608) 752-4711
Kenosha Office
5455 Sheridan Road
Suite 125   
Kenosha, WI 53140 
Phone: (262) 654-1901 
Fax: (262) 654-2156
Racine Office
216 6th Street 
Racine, WI 53403 
Phone: (262) 637-0510 
Fax: (262) 637-5689
Mobile Office

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