K99 - R00 Grants


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Air date: Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 1:00:00 PM
Category: Career Development/OITE
Description: The primary, long-term goal of the Pathway to Independence (PI or K99/R00) Award program is to increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented NIH-supported independent investigators. The PI award program is designed to facilitate a timely transition from a mentored postdoctoral research position to a stable independent research position with independent NIH or other independent research support at an earlier stage than is currently the norm. Support is provided for a total of five years. One or two years of funding is provided to advanced postdoctoral trainees. The trainee then takes the remaining support with him/her when beginning a faculty position in an academic institution. This workshop will provide guidance to NIH postdocs, both U.S. citizens and international scholars, who would like to submit applications to this grant program.


Joan Schwartz, PhD, is Assistant Director, Office of Intramural Research;

Steven Korn, PhD, is Director of Training and Career Development, NINDS.
Author: Joan Schwartz and Steven Korn
Runtime: 107 minutes
CIT File ID: 14293
CIT Live ID: 6561
Permanent link: http://videocast.nih.gov/launch.asp?14293


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