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Home > 2007 Speeches

In Honor of Dr. Arthur J. Ammann
House of Representatives - May 2, 2007
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Madam Chairman, it is a privilege and a great personal pleasure to join in honoring my old friend and classmate, and a great humanitarian leader, Dr. Arthur J. Ammann. Art's selection as Alumnus of the Year at Wheaton College will stand as one of the defining moments in the proud and distinguished history of this institution, because it recognizes a compassionate, courageous man who has made a world of difference in our world.

As young Wheaton College students, Art and I lived the vow of poverty, as do college students everywhere. One of my most cherished memories is Art inviting me to join his family in Brooklyn, New York, during a holiday. Suffice to say that was the first time I had ever been to Brooklyn, and the visit opened the eyes of this young, naive suburban Chicago kid, teaching me that we all share the same hopes, dreams and aspirations for a brighter tomorrow, no matter our surname or address.

The Bible and this institution call upon us to live the teachings of the Lord, and there is no better example of living Christianity than Art Ammann. He began his professional career--as did I--by taking an oath to use all of his powers to heal the sick. While the oath comes from the Greek philosopher Hippocrates, the faith to heal comes directly from the Bible: "My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." (Proverbs 4:20-23)

Art is a brilliant physician who has focused his intellect on healing children and finding a cure for the HIV/AIDS pandemic that has claimed so many lives and robbed so many nations of an entire generation. While my old friend is far too modest to seek recognition, the truth is, without Art the death toll would be higher and hope for a cure would be lower. It was Dr. Arthur Ammann's pioneering research in the early 1980's, before the world knew of this terrible disease, that identified two of the three ways HIV is transmitted, and it was Art who first diagnosed the HIV infection in children.

As a man of unwavering courage, compassion and conviction, Dr. Arthur Ammann did not confine his leadership exclusively to the field of medical research. Over the years, Art has served his community and country in preeminent roles such as the Presidential Task Force for AIDS Drug Development, and he has been honored many, many times. This prodigious man of science has authored or co-authored, quite literally, hundreds of books and scientific articles, and he didn't hesitate when asked to guide Wheaton College as it prepared its response to the HIV/AIDS crisis.

As a visionary scientist and yet a humble servant of the Lord, Dr. Arthur Ammann always has plowed the fruits of his labor back into the soil, so that it might nourish, protect and save others. Art founded Global Strategies for HIV Prevention 10 years ago. It quickly has become a widely respected non-profit organization, dedicated to preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, and supplying life-saving medicine to women and children worldwide. How purely this work reflects the words of the Bible: "..... Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God ....." (Matthew 5:3-11)

Dr. Arthur J. Ammann has spent a lifetime displaying the strength of a lion, a heart of gold, and a spirit of living life according to the teachings of Jesus. His wife, Marilyn, and his children, Kimberly and Scott, have long known what many now will understand: Dr. Arthur J. Ammann is a good man, who does the Lord's work for the sake of peace and humanity. My friend Art Ammann is an uncommon man who renews our faith by the way he lives his faith.

Best wishes and congratulations to Dr. Arthur J. Ammann, the 2007 Wheaton College Alumnus of the Year for Distinguished Service to Society.

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