asciidna program

Documentation for the asciidna program is below, with links to related programs in the "see also" section.

{version = 1.09; (* of asciidna.p 1994 May 25}

(* begin module describe.asciidna *)
   asciidna: draw ASCII DNA

   asciidna(asciidnap: in, plot: out, output: out)

   asciidnap:  parameters to control the program
      linewidth: integer, length in characters of the line to create
      wavelength: real, wavelength in characters
      amplitude: real, height of the waves incharacters
      phase1: real, phase shift in characters of first wave
      phase2: real, phase shift in characters of second wave
      Watson: character, the character for one strand
      Crick: character, the character for the other strand
         (that one's a REAL character!)
      barmajor: character, the character for the major groove
      barminor: character, the character for the minor groove
      bargap: integer, distance between bars in characters
   plot:  plot of spiral dna
   output: messages to the user


   The program draws a spiral DNA in ASCII characters.  It was inspired by:

  // \\          // \\  // \\          // \\  // \\          // \\  // \\
Jim Sloan      // | :,\\': | \\      // | :,\\': | \\      // | :,\\': | \\ \\ | | \\  // | | //  \\ | | \\  // | | //  \\ | |
    \\ | :,\\': | //      \\ | :,\\': | //      \\ | :,\\': | //      \\ |
      \\ //  \\ //          \\ //  \\ //          \\ //  \\ //          \\

The Pascal code may be obtained by anonymous ftp from in
pub/delila/asciidna.p.Z and pub/delila/asciidnap.


if asciidnap contains:
80    linewidth: integer, length in characters of the line to create
24    wavelength: real, wavelength in characters 
8     amplitude: real, height of the waves incharacters   
-1    phase1: real, phase shift in characters of first wave
4     phase2: real, phase shift in characters of second wave
W     watson: character, the character for one strand 
C     crick: character, the character for the other strand
|     barmajor: character, the character for the major groove
:     barminor: character, the character for the minor groove
3     bargap: integer, distance between bars in characters

asciidnap:  parematers to control the asciidna program

one obtains:
 asciidna 1.08
             CCC  WWW                CCC  WWW                CCC  WWW           
           CC  :CC|  WW            CC  :CC|  WW            CC  :CC|  WW         
          C :  W  C  | W          C :  W  C  | W          C :  W  C  | W        
W        C  : W    C |  W        C  : W    C |  W        C  : W    C |  W       
|W      C:  :W      C|  |W      C:  :W      C|  |W      C:  :W      C|  |W      
| W    C :  W        C  | W    C :  W        C  | W    C :  W        C  | W    C
|  W  C  : W          C |  W  C  : W          C |  W  C  : W          C |  W  C 
C  |WW:  WW            CC  |WW:  WW            CC  |WW:  WW            CC  |WW: 
 CCC  WWW                CCC  WWW                CCC  WWW                CCC  WW


see also

   Thomas Dana Schneider


technical notes

(* end module describe.asciidna *)
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