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R. Podgornik, V.A. Parsegian.  Van der Waals interactions across stratified media, J. Chem. Phys., 120(7):3401-3405, 2004. [pdf]

Harries D, and Parsegian VA. Gibbs adsorption isotherm combined with Monte Carlo sampling to see the action of cosolutes on protein folding. Proteins, In press, 2004.

Cahill K and Parsegian VA.  Computational consequences of neglected first-order van der Waals forces.   Physical Review Letters, submitted 2003.


Hansen PL, Cohen JA, Podgornik R, Parsegian VA.  Osmotic properties of  Poly(Ethylene Glycols): quantitative features of brush and bulk scaling laws. Biophysical Journal, 84:350-355, 2003. [pdf]

Podgornik R, Hansen PL, Parsegian VA.  On a reformulation of the theory of Lifshitz-van der Waals interactions in multilayered systems.  J Chemical Physics, 119:1070-1077, 2003. [pdf]

Podgornik R, Harries D, Parsegian VA, Strey HH. Molecular interactions in lipids, DNA, and DNAlipid complexes.  In: Smyth Templeton & Lasic (eds): Gene  and Cell Therapy ;Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, In Press, 2003.

Parsegian VA.  Currently completing a book on van der Waals Forces (2003).

Mkrtchian V, Parsegian VA, Podgornik R, Saslow WM.  Universal thermal radiation drag on neurtral objects.  Physical Rev.Lets, 91(22):220801-1 - 220801-4, 2003. [pdf]


Parsegian VA.  Protein-Water Interactions.  In:  Thomas Zeuthen, Wilfred D. Stein (eds): International Review of Cytology: A survey of Cell Biology;Molecular Mechanisms of Water Transport across Biological Membranes.  Academic Press, New York, NY, 215:1-30, 2002. [pdf]


Chik JK, Parsegian VA.  The entropically favored osmotic "compression" of Sickle Cell Hemoglobin.  Biopolymers, 59:120-124, 2001. [pdf]

Hansen PL, Parsegian VA, Podgornik R.  Osmotic properties of DNA: critical evaluation of counterion condensation theory. Phys RevE, 64(-4):021907, 2001.  [pdf]


Parsegian VA, Rand RP, Rau DC.   Osmotic stress, crowding, preferential hydration, and binding.  A comparison of perspectives. PNAS, 97(8):3987-3992, 2000.

Podgornik R, Strey HH, Parsegian VA.  Molecular interactions in lipids, DNA, and DNAlipid complexes.  In: Smyth Templeton & Lasic (eds): Gene Therapy: Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies: Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, NY, 209-239, 2000.

Rostovtseva TK, Liu TT, Colombini M, Parsegian VA, Bezrukov SM.  Positive cooperativity without domains or subunits in a monomeric membrane channel, PNAS, 97(14):7819-7822, 2000.

Rand RP, Parsegian VA, Rau DC.  Intracellular Osmotic Action.   CMLS (Intracellular and Molecular Life Sciences), 57(7):1018-1032, 2000.

 William M. Gelbart, Robijn F. Bruinsma, Philip A. Pincus and V. Adrian Parsegian.   DNA-Inspired Electrostatics,  Physics Today, 53(9):38-44, 2000.

Bonnet-Gonnet C, Leikin SL, Chi S, Rau DC, Parsegian VA.  Measurement of forces between hydroxypropylcellulose polymers: Temperature favored assembly and salt exclusions. J Phys Chem B, 105(9):1877-1886, 2000. [pdf]

Podgornik R, Hansen PL, Parsegian VA.  Elastic moduli renormalization in self-interacting stretchable polyelectorolytes.  J Chem Phys, 113(20):9343-9350, 2000. [pdf]


Strey HH, Parsegian VA, Podgornik R.  Equation of state for polymer liquid crystals: Theory and experiment.   Physical Review E, 59(1):999-1008, 1999. [pdf]

Bezrukov SM, Rand PR, Vodyanoy I, Parsegian VA.  Lipid packing stress and polypeptide aggregation: alamethicin channel probed by proton titration of lipid charge, Faraday Discussion, III:173-183, 1999.

Hansen PL, Svensek D, Parsegian VA, Podgornik R.  Buckling, fluctuations, and collapse in semiflexible polyelectrolytes.  Physical Review E, 60(2):1956-1966, 1999.

Strey HH, Wang J, Podgornik R, Rupprecht A, Yu L, Parsegian VA, Sirota EB.  Refusing to Twist: demonstration of a line hexatic phase in DNA liquid crystals, Physical Review Letters, 84(14):3105-3108, 1999.


Strey HH, Podgornik R, Rau DC, Parsegian VA.  DNA-DNA interactions. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 8:309-313, 1998. [pdf]

Rostovtseva TK, Aguilella VM, Vodyanoy I, Bezrukov SM, Parsegian VA.  Membrane surface-charge titration probed by gramicidin A channel conductance.  Biophys J, 75:1783-1792, 1998.

Dubois M, Zemb T,  Fuller N, Rand R.P, Parsegian VA.  Equation of state of a charged bilayer system: Measure of the entropy of the lamellar-lamellar transition in DDABr.  Journal of Chemical Physics, 108(18):7855-7869, 1998.

Podgornik R, Strey HH, Parsegian VA.  Colloidal DNA.  Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 3:534-539, 1998.  [pdf]


Strey HH, Parsegian VA, Podgornik R.   Equation of state for DNA liquid crystals:Fluctuation enhanced electrostatic double layer repulsion.  Physical Review Letters, 78(5):895-898, 1997.

R. Podgornik, Parsegian VA.  On a possible microscopic mechanism underlying the vapor pressure paradox.  Biophysical Journal, 72:942-952, 1997.

Kuznetsova H, Rau DC, Parsegian VA, Leikin S.  Solvent hydrogen-bond network in protein self-assembly: solvation of collagen triple helices in nonaqueous solvents. Biophysical Journal, 72:353-362, 1997.

Parsegian, VA.  Harness the Hubris: useful things physicists might do in biology.  Physics Today, 23-27, 1997.

Podgornik R, Parsegian, VA.  Charge fluctuation forces between rodlike polyelectrolytes:  pairwise summability re-examined.  Physical Review Letters, 80(7):1560-1563, 1997.

Parsegian VA, Podgornik R.  Surface tension suppression of lamellar swelling on solid substrates.  Colloids and Surfaces A: Physiochemical Engineering Aspects 129-130, 345-364, 1997.

Leikin S, Parsegian VA, Yang WH, Walrafen G.  Raman spectral evidence for hydration forces between collagen triple helices.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), 94: 11312-11317, 1997.


Podgornik R, Strey HH, Gawrisch K, Rau DC, Rupprecht A, Parsegian VA.  Bond orientational order, molecular motion and free energy of high intensity DNA mesophases. PNAS, 93:4261-4266, 1996.

Parsegian VA, Evans EA.  Long and Short Range Intermolecular and Inter-Colloidal Forces.  In:  Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, Erin W. Kaler & Brian H. Robinson, eds. Scattering and surface forces. Current Science Ltd:London, UK, 1(1):53-60, 1996.


Parsegian VA.  Strength of Van der Waals attraction between mica surfaces across lipid bilayers.  Langmuir, 1047, 1995.

Parsegian VA, Rand RP.  Interactions in membrane assemblies.  In: R. Lipowsky, E. Sackmann, eds.  Handbook of Biological Physics Vol 1: Structure and Dynamics of Membranes. North-Holland: Elsevier, 13:643-690, 1995.

Parsegian VA.  The cows or the fence.  Molecular Membrane Biology, 12:5-7, 1995.

Leikin S, Rau DC, and Parsegian VA.  Temperature-favored assembly of collagen is driven by hydrophilic not hydrophobic interactions.   Nature Structural Biology, 2(3):205-210, 1995.

Parsegian VA, Shih AS.  Atom-plane exp't lived up to its (r-3) potential. Letter to the editor,  Physics Today, 75, 1995.

Parsegian VA, Rand PR, Rau DC.  Macromolecules and water:  probing with osmotic stress.  In:  Methods in Enzymology: energetics of biological macromolecules. Ackers GK and Johnson ML, ed.  Academic Press: NY 259:43-94, 1995.

Podgornik R, Strey H, Rau DC, Parsegian VA.  Watching molecules crowd:  DNA double helices under osmotic stress.  Journal of Biophysical Chemistry, 57:111-121, 1995.

Podgornik R, Parsegian VA.  Forces between CTAB-covered glass surfaces interpreted as an interaction-driven surface instability.  Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99(23):9491-9496, 1995.

Parsegian VA, Bezrukov SM,  Vodyanoy I.  Watching small molecules move: interrogating ionic channels using neutral solutes.  Bioscience Reports, 15(6):503-514, 1995.

Bezrukov SM, Vodyanoy I, Parsegian VA.  Noise and signal transduction across voltage dependent ion channels of alamethicin.  In: V. Bareikis and R. Katilius, eds. Noise in Physical Systems and 1/F Fluctuations.  World Scientific, 635-638, 1995.

Rand RP, Parsegian VA.  Hydration, Curvature, and Bending Elasticity of Phospholipid Bilayers.  In:  Lipid  polymorphism and Membrane Properties,  Epand R, ed., Current topics in Membranes, Vol. 44, Academic Press.


Leikin S, Parsegian VA.  Temperature-induced complementarity as a mechanism for biomolecular assembly.  Proteins:Structure, Function & Genetics,1973-1976, 1994.

Podgornik R, Rau DC, Parsegian VA. Parameterization of direct and soft steric-undulatory forces between DNA double helical polyelectrolytes in solutions of several different anions and cations. Biophysical Journal, 66:962-971, 1994. [pdf]

Parsegian VA, Rand RP, Colombo M, Rau DC. Water at the Macromolecular Surface:  Solvation Energy and Functional Control.   In: Blank, Martin and Vodyanoy, Igor, eds.  Biomembrane Electrochemistry. Washington, D.C: American Chemical Society, 235:177-196, 1994.

Bezrukov SM, Vodyanoy I, Parsegian, VA. Counting polymers moving through a single ion channel. Nature, 370:279-281, 1994.

Colombo MF, Rau DC, Parsegian VA.  Re-evaluation of chloride's regulation of hemoglobin oxygen uptake: the neglected contribution of protein hydration.  PNAS, Biophysics, 91:10517-10520, 1994.


Tsao Y, Evans F, Rand RP, Parsegian VA.  Osmotic stress measurements of dihexadecldimethylammonium acetate bilayers as a function of temperature and added salt. Langmuir, 9: 233-241, 1993.

Parsegian VA, Zimmerberg J.  Channels under osmotic stress.  In: M.B. Jackson(ed):  Thermodynamics of membrane receptors and channels. CRC Press, 389-405,1993.

Leikin S, Parsegian VA, Rau DC and Rand RP.  Hydration forces.  Annual Reviews of Physical Chemistry, 44:369-395, 1993. [pdf]

Keller SL, Bezrukov SM, Gruner SM, Tae MW, Vodyanoy I, Parsegian VA. Probability of alamethicin conductance states varies with nonlamellar tendency of bilayer phospholipids.  Biophysical Journal, 65:23-27, 1993.

Leikin S, Rau DC, Parsegian VA.  Direct measurement of forces between self-assembled proteins.  Temperature-dependent exponential forces between collagen triple helices. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 91:276-280, 1993.

Parsegian VA.  Reconciliation of van der Waals force measurements between phosphatidylcholine bilayers in water and between bilayer-coated mica surfaces. Langmuir, 9:3625-3628, 1993.

Vodyanoy I, Bezrukov SM, Parsegian VA.  Probing alamethicin channels with water-soluble polymers.  Biophysical Journal, 65:2097-2105, 1993.


Rau, D.C., Parsegian, V.A.: Direct measurement of the intermolecular forces between counterion- condensed DNA double helices: Evidence for long-range attractive hydration forces. Biophys. J. 61: 246-259, 1992. 

Rau, D.C., Parsegian, V.A.: Direct measurement of temperature-dependent solvation forces between DNA double helices. Biophys. J. 61: 260-271, 1992 

Podgornik, R., Parsegian, V.A.: Thermal-mechanical fluctuations of fluid membranes in confined geometries: The case of soft confinement. Langmuir 8: 557-562, 1992. 

Gawrisch, K., Ruston, D., Zimmerberg, J., Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P., Fuller, N.: Membrane dipole potentials, hydration forces, and the ordering of water a membrane surfaces. Biophys. J. 61:1213-1223, 1992. 

Gawrisch, K., Parsegian, V.A., Hajduk, D.A., Tate, M.W., Gruner, S.M., Fuller, N.L., Rand, R.P.: Energetics of a hexagonal-lamellar-hexagonal phase transition sequence in dioleoylphosphatidyl-ethanolamine membranes. Biochem. J. 31: 2856-2864, 1992. 

Colombo, M., Rau, D., Parsegian, V.A.: Protein solvation in allosteric regulation:  A water effect on hemoglobin.  Science. 256: 655-659, 1992.

Parsegian VA, Rand RP, Rau DC.  Swelling from the perspective of molecular assemblies and single functioning biomolecules.  In:  Karalis TK (ed):  Mechanics of Swelling, NATO ASI Series, Vol. H 64, Springer-Verlang Heidelberg, 1992.


Podgornik, R., Parsegian, V.A.: An electrostatic-surface stability interpretation of the "hydrophobic" force inferred to occur between mica plates in solutions of soluble surfactants. Chem. Phys. 154: 477-483, 1991. 

Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P., Fuller, N.L.: Direct osmotic stress measurements of hydration and electrostatic double layer forces between bilayers of double-chained ammonium acetate surfactants. J. Phys. Chem. 95: 4777-4782, 1991.

Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P.: On molecular protrusion as the source of hydration forces. Langmuir 7: 1299-1301, 1991. [pdf]

Leikin, S., Rau, D.C., Parsegian, V.A.: Measured entropy and ethalpy of hydration as a function of distance between DNA double helices. Phys. Rev. A 44: 1156-1162, 1991.


Rand, R.P., Fuller, N.L., Gruner, S.M., Parsegian, V.A.: Membrane curvature, lipid segregation and structural transitions for phospholipids under dual solvent stress.  Biochem. J. 29: 76-87, 1990.

Zimmerberg, J., Bezanilla, F., Parsegian, V.A.: Solute inaccessible aqueous volume changes during opening of the potassium channel of the squid giant axon.  Biophys. J. 57: 1049-1064, 1990.

Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P.: Forces Governing Lipid Interaction and Rearrangement.  In J. Wilschut, D. Hoekstra (Eds.): Cellular Membrane Fusion. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1990.

Podgornik, R., Parsegian, V.A.: Molecular fluctuations in packing of polymeric liquid crystals. Macromolecules 23: 2265-2269, 1990. 

Gawrisch, K., Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P.: Membrane hydration.  In R. Glaser, D. Gingell (Eds.).: Biophysics of Cell Surfaces. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990.

Rau, D.C., Parsegian, V.A.: Direct measurement of forces between linear polysaccharides xanthan and schizophyllan. Science 249: 1278-1281, 1990. 


Podgornik, R., Rau, D.C., Parsegian, V.A.: The action of interhelical forces on the organization of DNA double helices:  Fluctuation-enhanced decay of electrostatic double layer and hydration forces. Macromolecules 22: 1780-1786, 1989.

Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A.: Hydration forces between phospholipid bilayers.  BBA Biomembrane Rev. 988: 351-376, 1989. [pdf]


Rand, R.P., Fuller, N., Parsegian, V.A., Rau, D.C.: Variation in hydration forces between neutral phospholipid bilayers:  Evidence for hydration attraction. Biochemistry 27: 7711-7722, 1988.

Horn, R.G., Israelachvili, J.N., Marra, J., Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P.: Comparison of forces measured between phosphatidylcholine bilayers.  Biophys. J. 54: 1185-1187, 1988.

Zimmerberg, J., Parsegian, V.A.: Ionic channels and proteins with specialized aqueous cavities.  9th International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry & Bioenergetics, 1988.

Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A.: The influence of polar group identity on the interactions between phospholipid bilayers.  In S. Ohki, D. Doyle, T.D. Flanagan, S.W. Hui, E. Mayhew (Eds.).: Molecular Mechanism of Membrane Fusion, pp.73-81, 1988.


Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P. Rau, D.C.: Lessons from the direct measurement of forces between biomolecules.  In Safran, S. (Ed.): Physics of Complex and Supermolecular Fluids.  John Wiley & Sons, New York, 115-135, 1987.

Mudd, C.P., Parsegian, V.A., Tipton, H., Rau, D.C.: Temperature controlled vacuum chamber for x-ray defraction studies. Rev. of Scientific Instruments 58: 2110-2114, 1987.

Zimmerberg, J., Parsegian, V.A.: Water movement during channel opening and closing. J. Bioeng. & Biomembranes 19: 351-358, 1987.


Rand, R. P., Parsegian, V.A.: Mimicry and mechanism in phospholipid models of membrane fusion.  Ann. Revs. Physiol., 48: 201-212, 1986.

Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P., Fuller, N.L., Rau, D.C.: Osmotic stress for the direct measurement of intermolecular forces.  In Packer, L. (Ed.):  Methods in Enzymology; Biomembranes: Protons and Water: Structure and Translocation.  Academic Press, New York. 127:400-416, 1986.

Evans, E.A., Parsegian, V.A.: Thermal-mechanical fluctuations enhance repulsion between biomolecular layers.  PNAS 183: 7132-7136, 1986. 

Parsegian, V.A., Rau, D.C., Zimmerberg, J.: Structural transitions induced by osmotic stress in anhydrous biological systems.  Chapter 18 pp.306-317 in Leopold, A.C. (Ed.): Membranes, Metabolism, and Dry Organisms.  Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1986.

Zimmerberg, J., Parsegian, V.A.: Polymer inaccessible volume changes during opening and closing of a voltage dependent ionic channel.  Nature (London), 323: 36-39, 1986.

Barouch, E., Matijevic, E., Parsegian, V.A.: On the accuracy of the Derjaguin approximation for the electrostatic double layer interaction between curved surfaces bearing constant potentials.  J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. II, 82: 2801-2809, 1986.

Gruner, S.M.,Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P.: Directly measured deformation energy of phospholipid H11 hexagonal phases. Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. 81: 29-37, 1986.


Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P. Rau, D.C.: Hydration forces:  What next?  In: Hydration forces and molecular aspects of solvation.  B. Jonsson, H. Wennerstrom and S. Forsen, eds.  Chemica Scripta 25: 28-31, 1985.

Prouty, M.S., Schechter, A.N., Parsegian, V.A.: Chemical potential measurements of deoxyhemoglobin S. polymerization:  Determination of the phase diagram of an assembling protein.  J. Mol. Biol. 184: 517-528, 1985.

Parsegian, V.A., Rau, D.C., Evans, E.A., Rand, R.P.: Unexpected features of forces measured between membranes or macromolecules.  Studia Biophysica. 110: 71-76, 1985.

Rand, R.P., Das, S., Parsegian, V.A.: The hydration force, its character, universality, and application:  Some current issues.  Chemica Scripta 25: 15-21, 1985.


Gruen, D.W.R., Marcelja, S., Parsegian, V.A.: Water structure near the membrane surface.  In Cell Surface Dynamics.  Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp.59-91, 1984.

Rau, D.C., Lee, B., Parsegian, V.A.: Measurement of the repulsive force between polyelectrolyte molecules in ionic solution:  Hydration forces between parallel DNA double helices.  PNAS 81: 2621-2625, 1984.

Parsegian, V.A., Rau, D.C.: Water near intracellular surfaces.  J. Cell. Biol. 99: 196-200, 1984.

Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A.: Physical force considerations in model and biological membranes.  Can. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 62: 752-759, 1984.


Parsegian, V.A.: Molecular forces governing tight contact between cellular surfaces and substrates.  J. Prosthetic Dentistry 49: 838-842, 1983.

Parsegian, V.A.: Dimensions of the "intermediate" phase of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine.  Biophys. J. 44: 413-415, 1983.

Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P.: Membrane transport and the activity of water near the membrane surface.  In Dinno, M.A., Callahan, A.B., and Rozzell, T.C.(Eds.):  Membrane Biophysics II.  Physical Methods in the Study of Epithella 126: 283-295, 1983.

Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P., Gingell, D.: Lessons for the study of membrane fusion from membrane interactions in phospholipid systems.  In Cell Fusion, Pitman, London (Ciba Foundation Symposium #103: pp.9-27, 1983. 

Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P.: Membrane interaction and deformation.  Surface phenomena in hemorheology:  Their theoretical, experimental, and clinical aspects.  Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 416: 1-12, 1983.

Evans, E.A., Parsegian, V.A.: Energetics of membrane deformation and adhesion in cell and vesicle adhesion.  Surface phenomena in hemorheology: Their theoretical, experimental, and clinical aspects.  Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 416: 13-33, 1983.


Lis, L.J., McAlister, M., Fuller, N., Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A.: Interactions between neutral phospholipid bilayer membranes.  Biophys. J. 37: 657-666, 1982.

Lis, L.J., McAlister, M., Fuller, N., Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V. A.: Measurement of the lateral compressibility of several phospholipid bilayers.  Biophys. J. 37: 667-672, 1982.

Parsegian, V.A.: Physical forces due to the state of water bounding biological materials:  Some lessons for the design of colloidal systems.  Adv. Colloid & Interface Sci. 16: 49-56, 1982. 

Loosley-Millman, M.E., Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A.: Effects of monovalent ion binding and screening on measured electrostatic forces between charged phospholipid bilayers.  Biophys. J. 40: 221-232, 1982.


Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P., Stamatoff, J.: Perturbation of membrane structure by uranyl acetate labelling.  Biophys. J. 33: 475-478, 1981.

Lis, L.J., Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P.: Binding of divalent cations to dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers by its effect on bilayer interaction.  Biochemistry 20: 1761-1770, 1981.

Lis, L.J., Lis, W.T., Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P.: Adsorption of divalent cations to a variety of phosphatidylcholine bilayers.  Biochemistry 20: 1771-1777, 1981.

Parsegian, V.A.: Forces between membranes approaching contact.  Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 41: 89-94, 1981.

Parsegian, V.A., Weiss, G.H.: Spectroscopic parameters for computation of van der Waals forces.  J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 81: 285-289, 1981.


Lis, L.J., Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A.: Measurement of the absorption of Ca2+ and Mg2+ to phosphatidylcholine bilayers.  Bioelectrochemistry 2: 41-47, 1980.

Parsegian, V.A., Gingell, D.: Red blood cell adhesion III analysis of forces. J. Cell Science 41: 151-157, 1980.

Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A., Henry, J.A.C., Lis, L.J., McAlister, M.: The effect of cholesterol on measured interaction and compressibility of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers.  Canad. J. Bioch. 58: 959-968, 1980.


Parsegian, V.A., Rand, R.P., Fuller, N., McAlister, M., Lis, L.J.: Molecular forces between and within lipid membranes.  Biorheology 16: 293-295, 1979.

Parsegian, V.A., Fuller, N., Rand, R.P.: Measured work of deformation and repulsion of lecithin bilayers.  PNAS 76: 2750-2754, 1979. [pdf]


Kiefer, J.E., Parsegian, V.A., Weiss, G.H.: An easily calculable approximation for the many body van der Waals attraction between sphere and wall.  J. Colloid & Interface Science 63: 161, 1978. 

Cowley, A.C., Fuller, N., Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A.: Measurement of repulsive forces between charged phospholipid bilayers.  Biochemistry 17: 3163-3168, 1978.

Brenner, S.L., Parsegian, V.A., Gingell, D.: Image forces influencing the capacitance and interaction of double layers.  J. Phys. Chem. 82: 1727-1731, 1978.

Kiefer, J.E., Parsegian, V.A., Weiss, G.H.: Some convenient bounds and approximations for the many body van der Waals attraction between two spheres.  J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 67: 140-153, 1978.


LeNeveu, D.M., Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A., Gingell, D.: Measurement and modification of forces between lecithin bilayers.  Biophys. J. 18: 209-230, 1977.

Parsegian, V.A.: Considerations in determining the mode of influence of calcium on vesicle-membrane interaction.  In Cowan, W.M. and Ferrendelli, J.A. (Eds.): Neuroscience Symposia 11: 161-171, 1977.

Parsegian, V.A., Weiss, G.H., Schrader, M.E.: Macroscopic continuum model of influence of hydrocarbon contaminant on forces causing wetting of gold by water.  J. Colloid & Interface Science 61: 356-360, 1977.

Gingell, D., Todd, I., Parsegian, V.A.: Long-range attraction between red cells and a hydrocarbon surface.  Nature 268: 767-769, 1977.


Brenner, S.L., Parsegian, V.A.: Suggested explanation for the anomalous temperature dependence of the corneal swelling pressure.  Exptl. Eye Research 22: 95-99, 1976.

LeNeveu, D.M., Rand, R.P., Gingell, D., Parsegian, V.A.: Apparent modification of forces between lecithin bilayers.  Science 191: 399-400, 1976.

LeNeveu, D.M., Rand, R.P., Parsegian, V.A.: Measurement of forces between lecithin bilayers.  Nature 259: 601-603, 1976. [pdf]

Parsegian, V.A., Brenner, S.L.: The role of long-range forces in ordered arrays of tobacco mosaic virus.  Nature 254: 632-635, 1976.

Kiefer, J.E., Parsegian, V.A., Weiss, G.H.: An easily calculable approximation for the many-body van der Waals attraction between two equal spheres.  J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 57: 580-582, 1976.


Kiefer, J.E., Parsegian, V.A., Weiss, G.H.: Model for van der Waals attractionbetween spherical particles with non uniform adsorbed polymer.  J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 51: 543-546, 1975.

Parsegian, V.A.: Chapter 4 "Long Range van der Waals Forces".  In Olphen, H.V. and Mysels, K.J. (Eds.):  Physical Chemistry:  Enriching Topics From Colloid and Surface Science.  Theorex, La Jolla, California, 1975.

Parsegian, V. A.: Ion-membrane interactions as structural forces.  Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 264: 161-174, 1975.

Parsegian, V.A.: A comment on models of ion transport across cell membrane.  J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 97: 276-279 Series G No. 3, 1975; also printed in Annals of Biomedical Engineering 3: 433-438, 1975. [pdf]

Shih, A., Parsegian, V.A.: Van der Waals forces between heavy alkali atoms and gold surfaces:  Comparison of measured and predicted values. Physical Review A 12: 835-841, 1975.

Parsegian, V.A.: A Theoretical Physical Approach to the Study of Cell Membranes. A set of published lectures given at the 1974 Summer Institute on the Physics of Biological Membranes, ed. K. Colbow, Simon Fraser University, 1975.


Brenner, S.L., Parsegian, V.A.: A physical method for deriving the electrostatic interaction between rod-like polyions at all mutual angles.  Biophys. J. 14: 327-334, 1974.

Parsegian, V.A.: Formulae for the electrodynamic interaction of point particles with a substrate.  Molecular Physics No. 6 27: 1503-1511, 1974.

Parsegian, V.A.: Possible modulation of reactions on the cell surface by changes in electrostatic potential accompanying cell contact.  Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 238: 362-371, 1974.

Parsegian, V.A., Weiss, G.H.: Electrodynamic interaction between curved parallel surfaces.  J. Chem. Phys. 60: 5080-5085, 1974.


Parsegian, V.A., Ninham, B.W.: Van der Waals forces in many-layered structures: Generalization of the Lifshitz result for two semi-infinite media.  J. Theor. Biol. 38: 101-109, 1973.

Parsegian, V.A.: Long-range physical forces in the biological milieu.  Ann. Rev. of Biophys. Bioengr. 2: 221-255, 1973.

Gingell, D., Parsegian, V.A.: Prediction of van der Waals interactions between plastics in water using the Lifshitz theory.  J. Colloid &Interface Sci. 44: 456-463, 1973.

Weiss, G.H., Kiefer, J.E., Parsegian, V.A.: Effects of dielectric inhomogeneity on the magnitude of van der Waals interactions.  J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 45: 615-625, 1973.


Parsegian, V.A., Weiss, G.H.: Dielectric anisotropy and the van der Waals interaction between bulk media.  J. Adhesion 3: 259-267, 1972.

Parsegian, V.A., Weiss, G.H.: On van der Waals interactions between macroscopic bodies having inhomogeneous dielectric susceptibilities. J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 40: 35, 1972.

Parsegian, V.A.: Nonretarded van der Waals interactions between anisotropic long thin rods at all angles.  J. Chem. Phys. 56: 4393-4398, 1972.

Parsegian, V.A., Gingell, D.: A Physical Force Model of Biological Membrane Interaction.  In Lee, L.H. (Ed.): Recent Advances in Adhesion, Gordon & Breach, 1972.

Parsegian, V.A., Gingell, D.: Some features of physical forces between biological cell membranes.  J. Adhesion 4: 283-306, 1972.

Parsegian, V.A., Gingell, D.: On the electrostatic interaction across a salt solution between two bodies bearing unequal charges.  Biophys. J. 12: 119, 1972.

Gingell, D., Parsegian, V.A.: Computation of van der Waals interactions in aqueous systems using reflectivity data.  J. Theor. Biol. 36: 41-52, 1972.


Parsegian, V.A.: Dielectric Aspects of Biological Materials.  In the 1969 Digest of Literature of Dielectrics 33: 356-362, NAS-NRC, Washington, D.C., 1971.

Ninham, B.W., Parsegian, V.A.: Electrostatic potential between surfaces bearing ionizable groups in ionic equilibrium with physiologic saline solution.  J. Theor. Biol. 31: 405-428, 1971.

Parsegian, V.A., Ninham, B.W.: Toward the correct calculation of van der Waals interactions between lyophobic colloids in an aqueous medium.  J. Coll. & Interface Sci. 37: 332-341, 1971.


Ninham, B.W., Parsegian, V.A.: Van der Waals forces across triple-layer films.  J. Chem. Phys. 52: 4578-4587, 1970.

Ninham, B.W., Parsegian, V.A.: Van der Waals forces:  Special  characteristics in lipid-water systems and a general method of  calculation.  Biophys. J. 10: 646-663, 1970.

Parsegian, V.A., Ninham, B.W.: Temperature-dependent van der Waals forces. Biophys. J. 10: 664-674, 1970.

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Parsegian, V.A.: Dielectric Aspects of Biological Materials. In the 1968 Digest of Literature of Dielectrics, NAS-NRC, Washington, D.C., 32: 285-304, 1970.

Ferretti, J.A., Ninham, B.W., Parsegian, V.A.: Theory of the helix-random coil transformation. Macromolecules. 3:34, 1970.

Ninham, B.W., Parsegian, V.A.: Van der Waals interactions in multilayer systems.  J. Chem. Phys. 53: 3398-3402, 1970.


Parsegian, V.A.: Energy of an ion crossing of a low dielectric membrane:  Solutions to four relevant electrostatic problems.  Nature 221: 844- 846, 1969.

Parsegian, V.A.: A hybrid bus for intracity transportation.  Transpn. Res. 3: 307-315, 1969.

Parsegian, V.A, Ninham B.W.: Application of the Lifshitz theory to the calculation of van der Waals forces across thin lipid films.  Nature 224: 1197-1198, 1969.


Parsegian, V.A.: An energetic model of ionic lipids in the liquid-crystal state.  In Bolis, L. and Pethica, B. (Eds.): Membrane Models and the Formation of Biological Membranes.  Amsterdam, North Holland Publishing Co., 1968.


Parsegian, V.A.: Evidence for long-range repulsion between bimolecular leaflets of lecithin: An examination of the structural data.  J. Theoret. Biol. 15: 70-74, 1967.

Parsegian, V.A.: Forces between lecithin bimolecular leaflets are due to a ndisordered surface layer.  Science 156: 939-942, 1967.


Parsegian, V.A.: Theory of Liquid-Crystal Phase Transitions in Lipid and Water Systems.  Trans. Faraday Soc. 62: 848, 1966.


Parsegian, V.A.: A theory on the stability of liquid crystalline phases of lipid-water system.  Thesis.  Harvard, 1965.


Parsegian, V.A.: An analysis of the transition between "neat" and "middle" soap structure.  Israel Journal of Chemistry. 1: 267, 1963.

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