Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
National Institutes of Health
National Cancer Institute
Center for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program
Molecular Information Theory Group
NCI-Frederick Bldg 469. Room 144
P.O. Box B
Frederick, MD 21702-1201
(301) 846-5581 (-5532 for messages)
(301) 846-5598 fax

B.S., Biology, 1978.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Ph.D., Molecular Biology, 1984.
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. ``The Information Content of Binding Sites on Nucleotide Sequences''.


Professional Experience

Professional Service

Meetings and Talks

Poster Sessions

Reviewed papers for:

Reviewed Grants for:


Computer Experience

Since 1970 I have used the computer languages BASIC, FORTRAN, APL, LISP, Assembly, Algol, PL1, Pascal and PostScript on many computer systems, including UNIX. See (Schneider1982,Schneider1984).


Skiing, Tai Chi Ch'uan, ultimate frisbee, scuba diving, mountain hiking, contra dancing (a kind of folk dance, try it!!), racket ball, bicycling. I also enjoy photography.

Links to Other Relevant Pages

The sketch was drawn by Nino Falanga

Schneider Lab

origin before: 1995 June 23
updated: 2006 Feb 1 (but very out of date!)