Information Content of Individual Genetic Sequences

author = "T. D. Schneider",
title = "Information Content of Individual Genetic Sequences",
journal = "J. Theor. Biol.",
volume = "189",
number = "4",
pages = "427-441",
note = "\htmladdnormallink
year = "1997"}

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US patent 5867402

Material in this paper is covered by US patent 5867402. Programs using these methods may not be redistributed or used without a signed agreement with the National Institutes of Health. Please contact us at:

This method of analyzing binding sites can be distinguished from other methods by the following criteria.

Having set all these criteria, there is no other method.

Additional discussion is in Measuring Molecular Information.

See also the companion paper: Sequence walkers: a graphical method to display how binding proteins interact with DNA or RNA sequences

For more infomation see: Individual Information Theory and Sequence Walkers

Schneider Lab

origin: 1997 December 23
updated: 2006 Oct 04