ccmm: Theory of Molecular Machines. I. Channel Capacity of Molecular Machines

author = "T. D. Schneider",
title = "Theory of Molecular Machines.
{I. Channel} Capacity of Molecular Machines",
journal = "J. Theor. Biol.",
volume = "148",
thenumber = "1",
pages = "83-123",
comment = "{(Note: The figures were printed out of order!
Fig. 1 is on p. 97)}",
note = "\htmladdnormallink
year = 1991}

HTML version of the paper ccmm
. new as of 1999 December 9

PostScript version of the paper
. This works, but is rather big because of the figures!

PDF version of the paper ccmm.pdf
. This works, but is rather big because of the figures!

The old gif version of the paper is still available, on another page, but that is NOT an efficient way to read it.

Part two of this series: edmm: Theory of Molecular Machines. II. Energy Dissipation from Molecular Machines

Related programs:
show sphere density graph (pretty!) sphere
compress D dimensional sphere to 2d: ring
plot output of ring: riden
Match fdr curve: fdr

Related links:

Schneider Lab

origin: 1996 Feb 13
updated: 2004 Aug 16