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Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee
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Hundreds of joyous Tennesseans endured long lines in the cold to get in to Congressional office buildings to pick up their Inauguration tickets. My office overflowed with people at an open house my wife and I hosted. It was such a pleasure to welcome so many people from home to our nation’s capital and share the moment with them on the eve of history.

Electricity was in the air all over Washington as people from around the country traveled to be a part of this historic Inauguration of our 44th President.

While I didn’t vote for Barack Obama for President because of his policies and what his party and agenda stand for, I was still a proud American upon his Inauguration. Barack Obama is breaking barriers and as an African-American elected to serve as President, he represents a long journey fulfilled. I share in the promise of America that anyone can become President of the United States.

Our national character is born out of injustice being made right. This historic Inauguration says in a meaningful way to all Americans, regardless of their social status or color, that if they work hard and prepare themselves, they too have the opportunity to become the leader of the free world.

To inaugurate our first black president the day after Martin Luther King Day sends a powerful message to every boy and girl: If you do what is right and work hard enough, good things will follow. This is a sentiment expressed by people from all over the country.

Our government’s peaceful transition of power serves as a model for the world. Many other countries look at the United States with amazement because they know that we actually walk the walk and don’t just talk the talk of equality, justice and freedom that empowers the individual.



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