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Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee
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January 29 – Congressman Zach Wamp takes a first-hand look at the TVA ash spill in Kingston, Tenn., and the damage to the nearby homes. “The scope of this unfortunate disaster is massive and the cleanup will take years. We must do everything in our power to help the people affected and make sure it never happens again,” said Congressman Wamp.
January 27 – Congressman Zach Wamp discussed concerns with the Democrat economic stimulus proposal on “CNN Newsroom.” During the interview, Zach said, “We need investment more than spending, and that’s really what the problem is. At the local and state level, we see governments cutting their budget to get through, the family budget at home is being cut to get through hard times, yet Washington is spending more money than you can even imagine.”
January 21 – Congressman Zach Wamp welcomed fellow Tennessee Congressman Lincoln Davis to his new committee and the first House Appropriations meeting of the 111th Congress. As a senior member of the Energy and Water Subcommittee, Zach congratulated Congressman Davis on his assignment to the panel where they will work together to benefit Tennessee, “To have two members – one in the majority and one in the minority – is very important for East Tennessee and the whole state.”
January 19 – Congressman Zach Wamp hosted a reception in his office for the hundreds of joyous Tennesseans who traveled to Washington to see Barack Obama sworn in as the next President of the United States. Zach said, “I share in the joy that this historic inauguration says to every American, regardless of social status or color, that through hard work and preparation, they can become the leader of the free world.”
January 16 – “Today is about going out and thanking local government. It has been an honor to serve all the people who run the county functions,” Congressman Wamp said as he traveled to Grainger, Union, Claiborne and Jefferson counties in the 3rd District. Motivated by impact, Zach hopes to leave a legacy larger than his own life by helping those in need.
January 14 – “This is a time for restraint and responsibility, not excessive spending by the federal government. Slowing the growth of government is an important issue that Congress must address in the new year,” said Congressman Wamp during an interview with Bryan College freshman Bethany Diamond. Bethany studies government and politics, and joined more than 100 college students in Washington, D.C., for the Christian Student Leadership Conference.
January 8 – “Our top priority is clearly the health and safety of the people. Personal property can be replaced and land can be compensated for, but the well-being of the people must be ensured,” said Congressman Wamp. “We need reforms in law and regulation to make sure this never happens again, and that TVA is held to the highest account on their obligation to the people and the community. And we must change the way ash waste is stored from wet storage to dry storage all across the country.” Congressmen and Senators from Tennessee and Georgia met with some residents affected by the coal ash spill in Kingston and TVA officials for an update on the cleanup.



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