Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Unions Should be Voluntary
June 5, 2007

All workers should have the right to choose whether or not to join a union.  Reasonable people can agree that it is time to repeal the provisions that force employees to join a union as a condition of employment.    

When the Employee Free Choice Act of 2007, H.R. 800 came before the House, I voted against it. Unfortunately, it passed the House by a vote of 241-185. It is now up to the Senate to vote on this bill. I am also a co-sponsor of H.R. 697, The National Right-to-Work Act. The choice to join a union should be voluntary and individuals should have the freedom to form, join, assist labor organizations, or to refrain from doing so.  

Freedom of association is one of the vital liberties that sets this country apart from so many other nations.  I have committed myself to preserving that freedom.


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