Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Legislation Would Reduce Unborn Child Pain

February 18, 2005

I wholeheartedly believe that life begins at conception and support any efforts to educate others about pro-life issues.


There is substantial evidence that the abortion methods most commonly used twenty weeks after fertilization cause substantial pain to an unborn child.  This is why I am an original cosponsor of H.R. 356, the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act.  This bill would require abortion providers to inform a woman seeking an abortion that the unborn child feels pain, and would give her the option of choosing anesthesia for the fetus.


The unborn are the most innocent and vulnerable members of our society.  The Constitution already protects life, and I have sworn to uphold that constitution.  I will continue to serve all East Tennesseans by consistently voting for life.


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