Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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House and senate roadblock Mexican trucks
September 19, 2007

The Department of Transportation has announced plans for a year long pilot program to begin implementing the NAFTA “Superhighway.” This program will allow Mexican trucking companies to make international deliveries to the United States beyond the 20-25 mile commercial zones currently in place along the Southwest border. 

Fortunately, the House and Senate have blocked the funding needed to implem ent the program. It is highly unlikely that Mexican truckers will be granted access beyond our commercial zones this year. I will continue fighting this bad idea. I am co-sponsoring H.CON. RES 40, which will prevent the construction of the NAFTA Superhighway all together and prevent a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.

We have to protect our borders and not allow more undocumented people into our country. Thanks for speaking out on this issue. I will continue to monitor this situation as it develops.


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