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History is Necessary to Understand Threat in Iraq


March 8, 2007

Radical Islamic jihadism is the greatest security threat facing our nation and future generations of Americans.  Following is a list of books and films that Rep. Thaddeus McCotter and I have recommended to other Members of Congress.  These works are essential to understanding the history of this conflict and the real danger it poses to our way of life.  While I encourage you to read of all of these selections, if you have time for only one, the award winning documentary, "Obsession: Radical Islam's War with the West" is the most compelling.  In my opinion, Iraq is one important piece of this generational struggle but unless you have read works like these and have studied this threat, you may not fully comprehend the larger problem.

  • While Europe Slept, by Bruce Bawer
  • Londonistan, by Melanie Phillips
  • U.N. Exposed, by Eric Shawn
  • Hatred's Kingdom, by Mark Steyn
  • Looming Towers, by Lawrence Wright
  • Future Jihad, by Walid Phares
  • Knowing the Enemy, by Mary Habeck
  • The Enemy at Home, by Dinesh D'Souza
  • Imperial Life in the Emerald City:  Inside Iraq's Green Zone, by Rajiv Chandrasekaren
  • "Iran:  The Most Dangerous Nation"- documentary
  • "Obsession: Radical Islam's War with the West"- documentary

I encourage you to also read the statement I made on the House floor during debate of the non-binding Resolution to disapprove an increase in troop levels in Iraq also found on my website.  The volunteers who serve in our armed forces deserve our full support as we send reinforcements into Baghdad in the coming.




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