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Immigration Policy Must Secure Our Borders
May 21, 2007

Our borders must be secure before we can move forward with other immigration proposals.  We must not make the same mistake Congress made 20 years ago when they granted amnesty to many illegal aliens.  Because the House of Representatives and Senate were unable to reach a compromise on a comprehensive immigration bill, the House passed four bills last year which take important steps to secure our border against illegal immigration.  Here is a description of these bills:

  • The Immigration Law Enforcement Act ensures that dangerous illegal immigrants, who cannot be deported, cannot likewise be released into society.  Also reaffirms the authority of state and local law enforcement to voluntarily investigate, identify, apprehend, arrest, and detain illegal immigrants.
  • The Border Tunnel Prevention Act increases the prosecutions of alien smugglers, expedites the removal of alien criminals, and criminalizes the construction and financing of border tunnels.  These measures will deter those who facilitate illegal immigration and help remove those who are already here.
  • The Community Protection Act imposes a “catch and return” instead of “catch and release” policy for illegal immigration enforcement, and toughens laws against illegal immigrant gang members.
  • The Secure Fence Act directs the Department of Homeland Security to take action to achieve border surveillance through advanced and effective use of personnel and technology, and physical infrastructure enhancements to prevent unlawful entry. 

These are important steps in the right direction toward securing our borders, but we have already been making large strides. Last year, Congress provided $700 million for the deployment of 6,000 members of the National Guard to the border.  Since the deployment began in June, reports indicate that there has been a steady decrease in the number of illegal border crossings. 

The Homeland Security Appropriations Act for 2007, which I helped write, was signed in to law by President Bush on October 4, 2006 and provided $33.8 billion for border protection, immigration enforcement, and related activities. Chairman Hal Rogers also recently testified that 161,000 illegal immigrants have been caught during the previous 9 months.  While we continue to pass more laws requiring a secure border, we are taking steps now to make it a reality. 

Our immigration policy must secure our borders, while encouraging immigrants to use the legal channels to enter this country.  Those who want to become Americans should not begin their lives in this country by breaking the law.  Toughening the laws securing our border is the first step in a responsible and comprehensive approach to reforming our immigration system.


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