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Fighting Human Trafficking
August 21, 2007

Fighting Human Trafficking Human trafficking is one of the greatest human rights abuses today. As a father, it is shocking to hear of the atrocities against children in countries like Cambodia and Malaysia. We have a moral obligation to fight it however we can.

Southeast Asia is the largest source of trafficking victims, largely due to the growth of sex tourism. The United States government supports roughly 154 anti-trafficking initiatives worldwide. In FY06, the U.S. provided an estimated $74 million to foreign governments to help put an end to the forced labor and sexual exploitation of children.

Last year, the President also signed a law to fight this horrible abuse at home. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which passed the House unanimously, provides $360 million to fight the practice of human trafficking in the United States. This legislation is an important step toward slowing human trafficking in our own country. 

While the United States cannot always control what goes on in other countries, we should use our influence as the greatest country in the world to promote the fundamental liberties of all people, especially children.  Our economic power gives us the ability to wield great influence with other nations, and we should use this power for good.


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