Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Farm Bill Needed to Advance Alternative Energy
May 31, 2007

Many provisions in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 are set to expire this year.  Unless new legislation is passed, permanent statutes that were enacted decades ago will take effect.  Many of these statutes are no longer compatible with today's national economic objectives, global trading rules, and federal budgetary or regulatory policies. 

Two comprehensive farm bills have already been introduced in the House.  Other bills have been introduced that cover specific programs and provisions and may be added to the other larger bills later.  It is expected that the House will complete its work on new farm legislation this summer. 

By reauthorizing the farm legislation this year, we have the opportunity to include a large energy title which will create more alternative energy resources to help lead our nation to energy independence.  It is my hope that Congress will pass solid legislation to meet the needs of the agricultural industry and promote our energy needs for the future.


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