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House passes Ethic Rules for the 110th Congress
January 5, 2007

Serving in Congress is a privilege.  I have lived and worked my entire life in East Tennessee and our people demand the highest standards in government.  The vast majority of Members of Congress, of both parties, are decent and honorable people who not only avoid conflicts of interest, but work hard to prevent even the appearance of a conflict of interest.  The people who violate the rules are all meeting their destiny through our justice system.


When the 110th Congress convened, the House voted on the House rules package for this Congress.  Title II of this package dealth with ethics reform of the House.  I fully supported Title II, which passed the House by an overwhelming vote of 430-1.  This resolution amends the previous gift ban to bar members from accepting any gifts from lobbyists, and to require tickets to sporting or entertaining events to be valued at either their face value or market value.  It also restricts privately funded travel and requires members and employees to file certain information with the ethics committee before they are approved to travel.


This resolution is a step in the right direction, but clearly we could do more.  I support reforming the House Ethics Committee so that ethics decisions in the House are not influenced by the party in charge ever again.  I will continue fighting to increase accountability and transparency in Washington.  We must not tolerate any ethical misconduct and be outspoken in condemning all of those who have abused the public trust.


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