Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Alternative Sources Key to Energy Independence
June 29, 2007

As a co-chair of the House Renewable and Energy Efficiency Caucus, I know how important it is to integrate more energy efficient products into our homes and businesses, but mandating which light bulbs consumers can purchase is not the right approach.

There are many things Congress can do to encourage more efficient use of energy and one of those ways is to lead by example. As a ranking member on the subcommittee that funds the operations of Congress and the United States Capitol building we are looking at ways to do that.   In fact, several government buildings are switching to these kinds of alternatives. But passing legislation that would force Americans to buy energy efficient light bulbs for their homes is wrong headed and I will not support those efforts.

Right now, work is being done at the Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) to develop hybrid solar lighting.  This new technology captures sunlight and disperses it through hybrid light fixtures.  Over the next several months, researchers in ORNL's Solar Technologies Program will start testing the technology at various locations around the nation, including a few Wal-Mart stores.

We have lots of options as our nation continues on its path to energy independence.  We must not be over zealous in this process but open minded to all forms of energy alternatives.  I am glad we agree on this issue.


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