Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Sweeping Earmark Reforms
March 3, 2008

The level of reform presented and adopted by the Congress so far has not convinced the public that things have changed in Washington. We need sweeping reforms on how earmarks are handled in authorization, appropriations, tax and tariff bills and administration requests.

A resolution that I worked to draft with two of my colleagues proposes a comprehensive earmark reform. This resolution calls for a bipartisan and bicameral select committee to hold hearings and make recommendations for way to permanently change the earmark process. It will also place a complete moratorium on all earmarks until the committee has completed a thorough examination of earmarking rules and practices and reported its recommendations.

This resolution was brought to the House floor for a vote on February 7. Unfortunately, this effort to improve transparency in the budget process was blocked by a vote of 204 to 196. Despite being shut down by the Democrat-controlled House, we must continue working to change the spending process, and will continue to bring our bill up until we succeed.


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