Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page

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Encouraging Doctors to see medicare patients
June 29, 2006

Now is not the time to discourage doctors from seeing Medicare patients.  The health of our nation's seniors is too important. 

The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) enacted February 8, 2006, prevented a payment rate cut of 4.4% for 2006.  Reimbursement rates were frozen in 2006 at $37.89, the same level in effect in 2005.  CMS has also instructed its contractors to rapidly implement the zero percent change to any 2006 claims processed prior to implementation of the DRA.  Claims submitted that were subject to the 4.4% cut will be automatically reprocessed to reflect the unreduced payment levels. 


It is critical to make sure that there are enough doctors to provide our nation’s seniors care.  I will continue working to reverse the projected 5 percent cut for 2007 to make sure the Medicare physicians are adequately reimbursed.  Every year I help recover the reimbursement for providers and will continue to do so. 


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