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Country of Origin Labeling
July 25, 2007

The recent recall of contaminated pet food caused many to question the safety of food imported from other countries. As a result of globalization and the desire for a wider variety of foods, the amount of food imported to the United States has increased 4 percent in the last ten years.

Congress passed legislation to require retailers to provide “country of origin” labeling for fresh produce, red meats, peanuts and seafood by September 2008. The Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture work hand-in-hand to make sure the food that we eat is safe. All products imported into the United States must meet the same safety standards as those produced domestically.

Legislation has been introduced to change the way we inspect food imports. We have a good food inspection system but we can do better. Congress is working to find ways to improve our system without adding costs to consumers’ grocery bills.


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