Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Carter’s Middle East Trip was Ill-advised & Unfortunate
May 6, 2008

The connection between Syria, Hamas and Iran is a threat to all freedom-loving people in the world. President Bush has made it clear that he does not intend for anyone representing our government to meet with leaders of Hamas because it is a terrorist organization. 

While former President Jimmy Carter’s trip to the Middles East is as a private citizen, not as a representative of the United States, it is ill-advised and very unfortunate. Former President Carter does not serve the “cause of peace” for our nation as he meddles with foreign policy outside our government. 

That’s why I co-sponsored the Coordinated American Response To Extreme Radicals Act. This bill would prohibit any federal funds from being designated for the Carter Center in Atlanta and redirect that money to victims of terrorism. While Congress respects the work of former President Carter through this center, taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund his trips abroad, especially if they involve meetings with organizations like Hamas.

Our nation must speak with a unified voice on issues of foreign policy and national security. The Commander in Chief is the one person elected by all citizens under the Constitution. The President and his Administration should be the ones to carry out foreign policy and speak on behalf of the United States.


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