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Vote Needed on Bipartisan Border Security Bill
Media Contact: Laura Condeluci
(202) 225-3271

March 13 - Illegal immigration is a growing problem in eastern Tennessee. Congressman Zach Wamp continues to support immigration reform and wants to bring a border security bill to the House of Representatives for a vote. The Secure America with Verification and Enforcement (SAVE) Act is a bipartisan plan to stop illegal immigration by securing America’s borders, expanding employer verification of workers and strengthening interior enforcement. 

“The House leadership has not presented any bipartisan immigration reform legislation for a vote this Congress, yet the illegal immigration problem continues to grow,” said Congressman Wamp. “To address the problem of illegal immigration, we must get our borders under control. The SAVE Act proposes specific solutions to help secure our borders.” 

This bipartisan three-point plan would secure America’s borders in part by adding 8,000 new Border Patrol agents and through using new technology. It would strengthen employer enforcement by mandating usage of the E-Verify system, allowing employers to make an efficient and accurate check of a potential hire’s employment eligibility. The bill also would reduce illegal immigration through interior enforcement by employing more Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents and training additional state and local law enforcement personnel. 

The SAVE Act was introduced by Congressman Heath Shuler of North Carolina in November 2007 and Congressman Wamp is an original cosponsor. The bill has strong bipartisan support with more than 140 cosponsors.

“My friend Heath Shuler worked with his fellow Democrats as well as Republicans, like myself, to offer a bill with real solutions to help stem the tide of illegal immigrants crossing our borders,” Congressman Wamp said. “People expect that their government leaders will work together on crucial issues like border security.” 

On Tuesday, Congressman Zach Wamp signed on in support of a discharge petition filed to force a vote on the SAVE Act. Once 218 Members sign the discharge petition, the bill will be brought directly to the floor for a vote.


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