International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories
A Division of the American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP)

Mark Your Calendars!
ISBER 2009 Annual Meeting & Exhibits
May 12-15, 2009, Portland, Oregon (USA)
>>More Information

Abstract Submission Deadline: February 2, 2009
Travel Award Deadline: February 15, 2009
Early (Reduced) Registration Deadline: February 23, 2009
Late Registration Deadline: April 6, 2009
Housing Reservation Deadline: April 9, 2009

ISBER Members: Watch for the ISBER 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibits Call for Abstracts to arrive in your mailbox!

ISBER 2008 December Newsletter!
>>Read the December 2008 Newsletter (PDF)

ISBER Publishes 2008 ISBER Best Practices For Repositories, Collection, Storage, Retrieval and Distribution of Biological Materials for Research
>>More Information

ISBER Launches Global Expansion Fund
The ISBER Global Expansion Fund supports efforts to increase ISBER’s membership and presence world-wide.
>>More Information

>>Make a Donation Online
>>Download Donation Form

ISBER is the leading international forum that addresses the technical, legal, ethical, and managerial issues relevant to repositories of biological and environmental specimens.

ISBER educational resources and meetings focus on technical issues such as quality assurance and control, regulations, human subject privacy and confidentiality issues, and provide information about sources of equipment and expertise. ISBER assists vendors in recognizing the needs of repositories for the development of new products and services, and provides information about existing repositories and their specimen collections.

Now, on the threshold of exponential new developments in molecular biology, nanotechnology, environmental toxicology, and computerized data management, all organizations need an active interchange of ideas and expertise. Careful management ensures that specimen collections will be available for study as new biomarkers emerge and more sensitive measurement technologies become pertinent. We invite subcomponents of government, academia, the private sector, and manufacturers as well as interested individuals to become active participants in ISBER and to exchange knowledge bases on repository issues. ISBER is an international society, with membership from 24 countries worldwide.

The goals of the Society include:
Global dissemination of information on repository management issues;
Education and sharing of information within the society;
Providing a voice for repositories on shipping, human subjects, legal and ethical issues, etc;
Ongoing development of Best Practices guidelines; and
Provision of centralized information resources for existing repositories

Apply For ISBER Membership Now!
Official (Organizational) Membership (PDF)
General (Individual) Membership (PDF)




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International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories
A Division of the American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP)
9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD  20814-3993 (USA)
Tel:  301-634-7949, Fax: 301-634-7990,

All contents ©2008 International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories.
All rights reserved.