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Delila Server Orders: procedure

This is the procedure for handling Software Transfer Agreements (STAs) created at the Delila Server and Delila Agreement web pages. (Note: you must log into the Delila Server before seeing the agreement. You can log in using the guest account, user: guest, password: guest.)

I (Tom Schneider) designed this streamlined procedure so that access to the Delila system could be provided within a day. The previous procedure took up to several months.

This detailed page is provided to clarify the gory micro-steps of this process so that they are clear to everybody since it is pretty complicated and four groups are involved: the PROVIDER (Tom Schneider), the USER, the NIH Technology Transfer Branch (TTB) and Peter Rogan. USERs should just relax and follow instructions given on the web site. Refer to this page if you get lost. However, please note that there is one point (marked by the stop sign stop sign) where the procedure can hang if you don't send us the physical STAs.

The procedure is:

  1. If access to Peter Rogan's Automated Splice Site Analyses Server is desired, please set up a guest account on that server first.
  2. A USER, following the instructions on the Delila Agreement web pages, creates two STAs, signs both, has an authorized official sign both (that could be someone such as a lab chief or someone in their tech transfer office), and sends a fax or emails a PDF of one signed STA to the PROVIDER. This is:
    Dr. Thomas D. Schneider
    NCI-Frederick Bldg 469. Room 105
    P.O. Box B
    Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
    301-846-5581 (-5532 for messages)
    301-846-5598 fax
    permanent email:
    Do not send word documents!

  3. The USER sends the two signed original STAs to the PROVIDER by regular mail. This is:
    Tom Schneider
    NCI-Frederick Bldg 469. Room 105
    P.O. Box B
    Frederick, MD  21702-1201
    stop sign Note: Be sure to:
    • Sign for Recipient
    • Date for Recipient
    • Sign for Authorizing Official
    • Date for Authorizing Official
    • print name of Authorizing Official
  4. PROVIDER receives the signed STA as a fax or a PDF from the USER.
  5. PROVIDER immediately releases the software and full access to the Delila web server for the USER by sending an email to them containing a user name and password.
  6. The USER receives the user name and password as a fax from the PROVIDER. The USER can now access the server, binaries and (if in the STA) source code. If access to Peter Rogan's Automated Splice Site Analyses Server has been indicated on the agreement form, an email will be automatically sent to him at this time and he will activate access to that server.
  7. The USER confirms receipt of the fax and that the login works, by sending an email to the PROVIDER:
  8. PROVIDER waits for the two original signed STAs to arrive by regular mail.
  9. If the PROVIDER does not receive the originals from the USER in a reasonable period of time, then access will be blocked stop sign to the USER's account. The period of time is:
    One month from the date
    of the username/password fax or PDF
    that was sent by the PROVIDER
    to the USER.
  10. PROVIDER signs both STA originals.
  11. PROVIDER makes a copy of one STA for his records.
  12. PROVIDER sends both STA originals to Technology Transfer Branch (TTB). Currently this is:
    Jianbo Hu
    Technology Development Specialist
    Technology Transfer Branch
    National Cancer Institute at Frederick
    PO Box B, FVC/500
    Frederick, MD  21702-1201
    ph:  (301) 846-5465
    fx:  (301) 846-6820
    Address to use for internal NIH mail:
    Jianbo Hu
  13. TTB signs both STA originals.
  14. TTB sends the PROVIDER an STA COPY for the PROVIDER's records.
  15. TTB sends the USER a fully signed ORIGINAL STA.
  16. TTB keeps a fully signed ORIGINAL STA.

Schneider Lab

origin: 2001 June 22
updated: 2008 Apr 07