Wired In

What to Ask

The communications that receive the most attention in our office often ask for something specific, such as voting in a particular way on a bill, or signing on to a specific piece of legislation . We are always looking for updates and general information on issues you care about.You should think about whether there is something specific you would like Congressman Davis to do.

When considering what you want, be sure that you are asking for something that is actually a federal issue. For example, fixing a pothole on the road in front of your house is something that should be directed to your local elected officials. Following are the kinds of things that you might want to talk to Congressman Davis' office about.

  • Tours: Many members of Congress offer tours of the Capitol, including the Capitol dome. They also have access to special tickets for tour of the White House, Library of Congress, and other federal buildings. Call to ask what kinds of tours your Representatives offer.

  • Sponsor, Cosponsor, or Vote for or Against Federal Legislation: On a daily basis, your congressional representative makes important decisions on national policy issues, and you should let him or her know when you strongly support or oppose a certain piece of legislation.

  • Site Visits: Ask your elected officials or their staff to visit your program or facility next time they are in the district.