Press Releases

Davis's Legislation Honoring Military Passes HouseSeptember 17, 2008

The U.S. House today has passed legislation introduced by Congressman Lincoln Davis that honors more than 1 million U.S. soldiers who have been killed during wartime dating back to the Revolutionary War. The bill calls for the U.S. flag flown over the U.S. Capitol Building to be lowered to half-staff one day each month in honor of our brave service members that lost their lives in defense of our country.

"Over one million Americans have paid the ultimate price to protect our country, its people, and our ideals since the time of the American Revolution," Congressman Davis said. "This gesture, while small, honors their sacrifices."

During a trip in Iraq, where he visited with our troops and military commanders, Davis was on a flight back into Baghdad with service personnel and the casket of a fallen soldier. Feeling a wave of emotion, he wanted to find a deserving, patriotic manner in which to honor their bravery. The idea to lower the flag on the Capitol for all lawmakers and visitors to see became a part of the reasoning for this legislation. Congressman Davis first introduced this legislation in 2004.

Congressman Davis has long sought to care for and honor all American veterans, deceased and living. This year alone he announced five new veterans' clinics will be built in Tennessee's Fourth Congressional District after he was able to secure funding. They are expected to be built in Campbell, Roane, Warren, Maury, and Giles County within the next twelve months.

The GI Bill for the 21st Century, another sought-after bill Congressman Davis supported, recognizes the sacrifice of veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan by increasing education benefits to soldiers who have served in the military for at least three years. The legislation, which has been signed into law, increases the value of the benefit from $40,000 to $90,000.

Additionally, Congressman Davis supported a House passed measure that appropriates funds to build new housing on military bases for the families of our soldiers deployed to the battlefields.

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