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Volunteer banquet held at Lake Texoma
Sarah Noel
Park Ranger
Lake Texoma Project Office
On Nov. 13, 2008, Lake Texoma rangers and staff honored volunteers for their outstanding service across the entire lake. They were awarded based on the number of hours they worked, which totaled more than 6,200 between April and September of 2008.

This year in particular was hectic for employees due to reconstruction efforts of the flood damage caused by high waters in the summer of 2007. The volunteers were alert and ready to take on any task. Duties performed included electrical maintenance, remodeling damaged structures, and debris removal, just to name a few.

This group of volunteers was dedicated to enhancing the overall atmosphere of Lake Texoma, not only through manual labor but also through personal interactions with the public. We are thankful for all of their selfless service and hope they will continue their generosity in the years to come.

Dec 18, 2008

2008 Lake Texoma Volunteers

Viewed: January 08, 2009
This story was approved by the Public Affairs Office.