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Kids' clothing collection kicks
Mary Beth Hudson
Public Affairs Office
Dec 19, 2008

Elf dwarfed -- Janae Robinson of the Public Affairs Office is smaller than the Christmas bag filled with warm hats, gloves, scarves, and socks collected for the children of Afghanistan.

Grace Hicks and Janae Robinson have fun sorting some of the outerwear collected during the drive.

When the call went out from Dora Karnes, Tulsa District employee deployed to Afghanistan, that she would appreciate some help getting warm winter outerwear for children in Afghanistan, the answer came quickly and generously.

Even before the drive was finished, a large Christmas bag used to collect the items had split open from being stuffed so full, and seven boxes had been shipped off to Karnes' APO box in Afghanistan. Several extremely generous donations had also been received to be used for postage or to purchase more items.

The drive will come to close Monday, Dec. 22, and we'll wait for pictures from Afghanistan to tell the rest of the story.

When notified that the items were on their way, Karnes replied, "The people in Tulsa District are absolutely awesome. I will be happy to send pictures when we hand out the clothing. I believe we are planning on taking these items to an orphanage. Thank you all so very much."

Viewed: January 08, 2009
This story was approved by the Public Affairs Office.